LDS Mission Prediction call map pin online

LDS Mission Prediction: Taking the analog map and pin online


Have you ever seen a missionary open their mission call?

The air is full of excitement as people choose the locations they think this soon-to-be Sister or Elder will serve. Many mission call openings have a map and pushpins where people choose their locations.

But how do you get those not physically there involved? What about the grandparents who are thousands of miles, or friends who are in different states and countries?

Check out MissionPrediction!

Using this site is free and easy. People can guess no matter where they are in the world, and the closest guess is automatically calculated.

You can even announce to everyone where the missionary is called!

Not bad for a free service, right?





And mom and dad’s emotions run the gamut during helping prepare mission papers, the period of awaiting the mission call (and especially the opening of the call itself), and the subsequent months of actual mission service.


The pride. The nerves. The anticipation. The “have I done enough to prepare them for this moment?” feeling.


Well . . .


What happens when parents are not aware their child is preparing to serve a mission?



It probably looks like something in these videos below.



That feeling when… I mean…

She’s been planning on going on a mission. She’s been telling me she’ll submit her papers in May and leave in August at the earliest. Turns out, she’s been working diligently to get it done AND keep it a surprise from her parents. And – like everything she sets her mind to- she did it. ????❤️❤️❤️❤️ ✉️? She’ll open it and we’ll find out her assignment at around 2:30 today, so if you’ve got a guess, hurry and share! #TheWad #SunriseSunset #mission #tfw #HisDay #lds

Posted by Jenny Noonan Dye on Sunday, February 25, 2018


So my kid is doing this thing…

Posted by Jenny Noonan Dye on Sunday, February 25, 2018


#ICYMI – the short version. Rae’s mission call.

Posted by Jenny Noonan Dye on Monday, February 26, 2018


Want to see some other fun reactions? Check out these missionary reactions from Mormon Light!


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