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Harry Potter newspaper technology is here! Animate your historic photos now for FREE!

Experience your family history like never before!

Remember the DAILY PROPHET newspapers with their enchanted moving images in the Harry Potter series of films?


Well, now you can make your own moving images from 2D historical images (and literally make your ancestors come to life). Mischief managed!

Animate your family photos at MyHeritage for FREE!

Animate the faces in your family photos with amazing technology. Experience your family history like never before!


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Your animated photo is ready!

Pretty incredible, isn’t it? Animate photos and share them with your family and friends.

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This is my great-great grandfather (paternal grandmother’s father), Tom Baines. My friends at MyHeritage have brought him to life with their latest feature for historical photos, Deep Nostalgiaβ„’.

Deep Nostalgiaβ„’ animates the faces in still photos, and gives family history a fresh new perspective by producing a realistic depiction of how a person could have moved and looked if they were captured on video.
Give it a try with your photos and bring your ancestors back to life with #MyHeritage Deep Nostalgiaβ„’.
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