Come, Follow Me | Nahum; Habakkuk; Zephaniah | BYU Studies


Come, Follow Me


Nahum; Habakkuk; Zephaniah

Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah were three prophets who prophesied of destruction but also gave their people hope in redemption through the Savior.


“Amos through Malachi: Major Teachings of the Twelve Prophets,” Blair G. Van Dyke and D. Kelly Ogden, Religious Educator 4 

“Zephaniah’s ministry is characterized by expediency. In three chapters he clearly depicts Judah’s choice in the seventh century BC and, at the same time, our choice in the latter days.”

“The book of Nahum may not seem very inspirational or uplifting. The book of Nahum is a hard message to Nineveh but also to people living in the last days who fail to trust in God.”

“Habakkuk prophesied against Babylon in the same way that Isaiah prophesied against Assyria.”

“The Burden of Nineveh (Nahum),” Old Testament Student Manual, 1 Kings to Malachi, Church Educational System 

Nahum employed imagery usually associated with the Savior’s Second Coming to depict Assyria’s future devastation.

“The Day of the Lord’s Wrath, Zephaniah,” Old Testament Student Manual, 1 Kings to Malachi, Church Educational System 

Zephaniah asserted God’s right and power to judge the whole earth.

“A Question Is Asked of the Lord, Habakkuk,” Old Testament Student Manual, 1 Kings to Malachi, Church Educational System 

Habakkuk, like other prophets through the ages, wondered why the Lord would not answer his prayers.

“What Is in a Name? Lessons from the Names of Old Testament Prophets,” Terry B. Ball, Religious Educator 15, BYU Religious Studies Center 

In Habakkuk, we are allowed to listen in on a conversation between a prophet and God. Habakkuk asks God to stop the iniquity of the covenant people but does not like God’s plan to use invaders to punish his people. Habakkuk comes to embrace and trust God’s wisdom.

Zephaniah prophesied during the reign of King Josiah that destruction would come because of the people’s iniquity.

The book of Nahum is a prophecy of the destruction of Assyria. This prophecy must have given his people comfort that God would not forget them.

“The Calling of a Prophet,” John W. Welch, The Book of Mormon: First Nephi, the Doctrinal Foundation, BYU Religious Studies Center 

Looking at Lehi’s contemporary prophets shows that Lehi was not alone in delivering messages of destruction and redemption. Habakkuk pronounced five woes upon idolators and exploiters. Nahum proclaimed the vengeance of the Lord on his enemies and marked the fall of Nineveh. Zephaniah prophesied that God would sweep the earth clean.

“The Prophecy of Zephaniah,” [Oliver Cowdery,] The Evening and the Morning Star 

This three-part series on Zephaniah is likely the first Latter-day Saint biblical commentary. Oliver Cowdery saw in Zephaniah’s prophecy the beginning of the fulfillment of the return of the children of Israel in the last days. Find the series on these pages: (Feb. 1834): 132–33; (Mar. 1834): 140–42; (Apr. 1834): 148–49.

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