Many people followed Jesus when they learned about his ability to heal infirmities. He had compassion on all of them and called for disciples to labor with him. Jesus’s instructions to his Apostles included both encouragement and warning.
“Luke 9:1-6: Sending the Twelve,” S. Kent Brown, BYU New Testament Commentary
These verses embrace the Savior’s commissioning of the Twelve, one of the vital moments for the church organization that he establishes. In effect, he entrusts his ministry into their hands, broadening the impact of what he alone can exert. To date, they have spent months at his side observing every gesture, hearing every word, and absorbing every lesson. Now the time arrives for them to imitate what they see and learn from their own experiences. At the heart of their preaching, assumed but unrecorded by Luke, rests their testimony of Jesus and his message. This post is excerpted from The Testimony of Luke, by S. Kent Brown, 443–449. Here are the New Rendition, Notes, and Analysis.
Luke 9:28–36: Transfiguration, S. Kent Brown, BYU New Testament Commentary
In the company of three trusted companions, Jesus is disclosed for who he is, the beloved Son who wraps within himself God’s work from ages past, all represented in the reverential approach of Moses and Elijah, who themselves stand for the ancient, sacred interaction between God and his people that the law and the prophets enshrine. This post is excerpted from The Testimony of Luke, by S. Kent Brown, 472–482. Here are the New Rendition, Notes, and Analysis.
“Healing Women,” Eric D. Huntsman, BYU New Testament Commentary
In the accounts of the woman who touched Jesus’ garment, the word for “power” here is the same one that the Synoptics also generally use for “miracle.”
“He Took Our Infirmities and Bare Our Sickness,” Eric D. Huntsman, BYU New Testament Commentary
“What manner of man is this Jesus? His miracles help us answer this question. His power over the elements helps us understand his divine identity.” A chart here lists Jesus’ miracles, helping us to visualize the variety of these events.