Come Follow Me | John 14 to 17 -“Continue Ye in My Love” | BYU Studies

Come Follow Me | John 14 to 17 -“Continue Ye in My Love” | BYU Studies


John 14 to 17 -“Continue Ye in My Love”

In the rich chapters of John 13-17, Jesus teaches of love and hope. These chapters are directed to those who followed him: to comfort them and teach them to love and serve each other.


“Farewell Discourses and the High Priestly Prayer,” by Eric D. Huntsman, at BYU New Testament Commentary

In John 13–17, Jesus encourages his disciples to abide in him and bring forth “much fruit.” He teaches about love (and obedience as a product of that love), that he would send the Comforter, and that his disciples should work through the pain of his death and find joy in the promise of redemption and eternal life.


“The Last Supper and the Timing of Passover,” by Eric D. Huntsman, at BYU New Testament Commentary

“While the synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) identify the Last Supper as a Passover meal, the Gospel of John maintains that the Last Supper was the night before the Passover meal. Efforts have been made to resolve this discrepancy, appealing to the possible use of different calendars by the various Jewish groups that existed in the first century A.D. In the end, however, suspending judgment on which is ‘correct’ and looking separately at symbolic and theological intents of the different gospels seems like the best approach.”


“Maundy Thursday,” Eric D. Huntsman, BYU New Testament Commentary

The Gospels record two important ordinances at the Last Supper: the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper in the Synoptics and the washing of feet in John. The earliest reference to the institution of the sacrament in the New Testament is actually in the letters of Paul, which were written before any of the Gospels. John’s omission of the sacrament is surprising, but sacramental imagery is woven throughout the body of his gospel (in the Bread of Life Discourse, Jesus as the Fountain of Living Water, the Vine, etc.).

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