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Church Announcements | First Presidency Announces Changes to General Conference

Beginning with October’s general conference and continuing thereafter, the Saturday evening sessions will be discontinued. Previously, a Saturday evening session was held for women (in October) and priesthood holders (in April). This change is being made because all sessions of general conference are now available to anyone who desires to watch or listen.
For the October 2021 general conference (to be held October 2–3), conference proceedings will originate from the Conference Center auditorium in Salt Lake City. Once again, the Conference Center will be closed to the public.
General conference is an opportunity for Church members and friends worldwide to receive messages about the Savior Jesus Christ from living prophets and apostles through ever-expanding technologies.


“When we choose to follow Christ, we choose to be changed.”
-Thierry K. Mutombo, Ye Shall Be Free
“When we strengthen a child, we strengthen the family.”
-Joy D. Jones, Essential Conversations
“I testify that through the redeeming Atonement and glorious Resurrection of Jesus Christ, broken hearts can be healed, anguish can become peace, and distress can become hope.”
-Reyna I. Aburto, The Grave Has No Victory
“Brothers and sisters, not throwing stones is the first step in treating others with compassion. The second step is to try to catch stones thrown by others.”
-Dale G. Renlund, Infuriating Unfairness
“Because of Jesus Christ, our failures do not have to define us. They can refine us.”
-Dieter F. Uchtdorf, God Among Us
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