Righteous anxiety LDS Mormon

Let’s be anxious. Let’s be devastated. Then let’s do something about it!

A lesson from Moroni 6 ties into Elder Holland’s advice to missionaries and ministering members alike: “We are just too casual about all of this. This is eternal life. This is the salvation of the children of God. Eternity hangs in the balance. … It is the most important path [a person] will ever walk… Teach with power and authority, and then be devastated if” they don’t live up to their potential.
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COME, FOLLOW ME LESSON AIDS: October 14–20 Philippians; Colossians “I Can Do All Things through Christ Which Strengtheneth Me”

COME, FOLLOW ME LESSON AIDS: October 14–20 Philippians; Colossians “I Can Do All Things through Christ Which Strengtheneth Me”

Philippians 1: All that happened to Paul furthered the gospel cause—Our conduct should be worthy of the gospel. Philippians 2: Saints should be of one mind and one spirit—Every knee will bow to Christ—Saints must work out their salvation—Paul faces martyrdom with joy. Philippians 3: Paul sacrifices all things for Christ—True ministers set examples of righteousness. Philippians 4: Stand fast in the Lord—We believe in being honest, true, and chaste. Colossians 1: Redemption comes through Christ—He created all things, is in the image of God, and is the Firstborn of the Father. Colossians 2: The fulness of the Godhead dwells in Christ—Beware of being deceived by the traditions of men—The handwriting against us was nailed to the cross of Christ. Colossians 3: Some lives are hidden with God in Christ—The Saints are told to be holy and to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. Colossians 4: The Saints are told to be wise in all things—Luke and others greet the Colossians.
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COME, FOLLOW ME LESSON AIDS: September 30–October 13 Ephesians “For the Perfecting of the Saints”

COME, FOLLOW ME LESSON AIDS: September 30–October 13 Ephesians “For the Perfecting of the Saints”

Ephesians 1: The Saints are foreordained to receive the gospel—The gospel is to be restored in the latter days—The Saints are sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise—They know God and Christ by revelation. Ephesians 2: We are saved by grace through faith—The blood of Christ saves Jew and Gentile alike—The Church is built upon the foundation of apostles and prophets. Ephesians 3: The Gentiles are fellow heirs with Israel—The love of Christ surpasses all understanding. Ephesians 4: There is one Lord, one faith, and one baptism—Apostles and prophets are essential to the Church—The Saints are exhorted to live righteously—They are sealed unto the day of redemption. Ephesians 5: The Saints are exhorted to avoid uncleanness and walk uprightly—Husbands and wives should love each other. Ephesians 6: Children should honor their parents—Servants and masters are judged by the same law—Saints should put on the whole armor of God.
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COME, FOLLOW ME LESSON AIDS: August 12–18 Romans 7–16 “Overcome Evil with Good” LDS Mormon

COME, FOLLOW ME LESSON AIDS: August 12–18 Romans 7–16 “Overcome Evil with Good”

Romans 7: The law of Moses is fulfilled in Christ—Paul delights in the law of God after the inward man. Romans 8: The law of Christ brings life and peace—Those adopted as children of God become joint heirs with Christ—God’s elect are foreordained to eternal life—Christ makes intercession for man. Romans 9: Paul explains how the law of election (foreordination) operates—The people of Israel are chosen (foreordained) to receive the adoption, covenants, promises, and blessings of the gospel; yet they are not all Israel who are of Israel—They must seek their blessings by faith—The Gentiles also attain to righteousness and salvation by faith. Romans 10: Salvation comes through righteousness to those who believe in Christ—Faith comes by hearing the gospel taught by legal administrators sent of God. Romans 11: Israel was chosen (foreordained) according to the election of grace—But some harden their hearts against it—The Gentiles are adopted into the house of Israel—The gospel goes preferentially to the Gentiles until the fulness of the Gentiles. Romans 12: Paul counsels the Saints to present their bodies as a living sacrifice, to use their own grace-given gifts, and to live as Saints should live. Romans 13: Paul counsels, Be subject unto God’s ministers; keep the commandments; love one another; righteousness leads to salvation. Romans 14: PAvoid quarreling about opinions and making unrighteous judgment of each other—Every knee will bow to Christ—The kingdom of God embraces righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. Romans 15: True Saints fellowship one another—Paul recounts his diligence in preaching the gospel—The gifts of the Spirit are poured out upon the Gentiles. Romans 16: Paul sends greetings to various Saints—He counsels the Saints to avoid those who cause divisions—The Saints should be wise concerning good and innocent concerning evil.
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2010 07 004 the restoration 768x432 still

The restoration was MESSY (and that’s OK)

Years ago, I heard a Bishop say: “Brothers and sisters, the restoration was messy.” I didn’t think much about his wording at the time. But over the few years following (including my mission), I encountered a lot of people wanting to “educate” me about early Church leaders. Joseph Smith was the most common target, of course. They cited all sorts of stories about him that seemingly “proved” he was a lying, womanizing con man. I mostly brushed off these claims during my mission. Those critics were not historians. I knew their agenda. I figured they were mostly lies, or at least huge distortions of the history. So, when I got home from my mission, I bought an 800-page history of Joseph Smith. It was written by an active stake patriarch and Church historian who worked on the Joseph Smith Papers project, so I figured his book would blow away all those false accusations with the fiery testimony of truth. But I was surprised to find that instead of tearing down all the stories the critics had told me, history largely confirmed them. And you know what? That’s OK!
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Replicas of danish sculptor bertel thorvaldsens christus and 12 apostles How a replica of a Danish artist's statue, which was quarried from stone in Carrara, Italy, was replicated for Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah, and how new replicas of the Christus and statues of the Twelve Apostles were created for a new visitors' center at the Rome Italy Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Mormon LDS

VIDEO: A quick history of the Christus statue and how it came to be in Salt Lake City and Rome (credit Deseret News)

How a replica of a Danish artist’s statue, which was quarried from stone in Carrara, Italy, was replicated for Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah, and how new replicas of the Christus and statues of the Twelve Apostles were created for a new visitors’ center at the Rome Italy Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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