Reinstituting Institute and Seminary | Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

VIDEO: Reinstituting Institute and Seminary | Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

“The pandemic has unnerved everyone globally, and members of the Church have been similarly affected. Some people have asked me, “When will we have seminary again?” and “When will the Church reinstitute institute classes?” There is no perfect answer since so much depends on local circumstances and the restrictions for local schools.”
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Melchizedek blesses abram walter rane COME, FOLLOW ME LESSON AIDS: November 11–17 Hebrews 7–13 “An High Priest of Good Things to Come”

COME, FOLLOW ME LESSON AIDS: November 11–17 Hebrews 7–13 “An High Priest of Good Things to Come”

Hebrews 7: The Melchizedek Priesthood brings exaltation and administers the gospel—It is received with an oath and covenant—The superiority of the Melchizedek Priesthood over the Aaronic Priesthood is explained—Salvation comes through the intercession of Christ. Hebrews 8: Christ offered Himself as a sacrifice for sin—God promised to make a new covenant with Israel. Hebrews 9: The Mosaic ordinances prefigured Christ’s ministry—Christ is the Mediator of the new covenant. Hebrews 10: We are sanctified by the shedding of the blood of Christ—The superiority of His sacrifice is explained—Those who fall from grace through willful sin are damned—The just will live by faith. Hebrews 11: By faith we understand the word and work of God—The faith of the ancients was centered in Christ—By faith, men subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, and worked miracles. Hebrews 12: Whom the Lord loves He chastens—God is the Father of spirits—To see God, follow peace and holiness—Exalted Saints belong to the Church of the Firstborn. Hebrews 13: Marriage is honorable—Christ is the same everlastingly—Paul explains how the Saints are to offer acceptable sacrifices.
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Balm gilead christ white shawl COME, FOLLOW ME LESSON AIDS: November 4–10 Hebrews 1–6 Jesus Christ, “the Author of Eternal Salvation”

COME, FOLLOW ME LESSON AIDS: November 4–10 Hebrews 1–6 Jesus Christ, “the Author of Eternal Salvation”

Hebrews 1: The Son is in the express image of the person of the Father—Christ is the Only Begotten Son and thus above the angels. Hebrews 2: Jesus came to suffer death and save men—He came to make reconciliation for the sins of the people. Hebrews 3: Christ is the Apostle and High Priest of our profession—Jesus, being the Son, is more than a servant—Now is the time and the day of our salvation. Hebrews 4: The gospel was offered to ancient Israel—Saints enter into the rest of the Lord—Though tempted in all points, Jesus was without sin. Hebrews 5: For a man to hold the priesthood, he must be called of God as was Aaron—Christ was a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek—Jesus Christ is the Author of eternal salvation. Hebrews 6: Let us go on to perfection—The sons of perdition crucify Christ anew—God swears with an oath that the faithful will be saved.
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