VIDEO: Deseret Book Live — Sister Reyna I. Aburto, Second Counselor in the General Relief Society Presidency, talks with Yahosh Bonner about how the hard things in our lives can create a firm foundation in Christ

VIDEO: Deseret Book Live — Sister Reyna I. Aburto, Second Counselor in the General Relief Society Presidency, talks with Yahosh Bonner about how the hard things in our lives can create a firm foundation in Christ

What does it mean to be steadfast and immovable in the gospel during times of chaos? Sister Reyna I. Aburto, Second Counselor in the General Relief Society Presidency, talks with Yahosh Bonner about how the hard things in our lives can create a firm foundation in Christ that will help us to “be of good cheer” despite the difficulties of our days (3 Nephi 1:13).
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VIDEO: God Delivers Us in Our Trials | Hope Works (Charan's story)

VIDEO: God Delivers Us in Our Trials | Hope Works (Charan’s story)

Sometimes our prayers are answered the way we want (not to hit the pole), and sometimes the Lord sends His Spirit to comfort us (when we hit the pole). The Lord delivers us from our trials, but more often He delivers us in our trials. During times of uncertainty, often God’s answer is comfort and peace, giving us the strength to face whatever comes our way. 
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