Looking for the latest in Mormon apparel? Mormon Ink is constantly adding new t-shirts with the latest trends. You can show pride in your faith by wearing a bold statement…
Follow us: @mormonlifehacker on Patreon | Facebook | YouTube | Twitter Sam Gould, a member of the church and a mere 33-years-old, recently passed away. He is survived by his wife…
The question for most religions today is how to remain relevant to rising generations while still holding true to age-old doctrine that is the foundational bedrock of belief. The intersection point of culture and belief has always been an area fraught with issues, and it is no different today.
NOTE: Please read Greg’s full original article at http://www.gregtrimble.com/the-coming-revolution-inside-of-mormonism/ Greg Trimble’s article “The Coming Revolution Inside of Mormonism” is an eye opener. I love Greg, and what I like…
Stop “shushing” and start rewarding. This printable kit was designed to help teachers and leaders incentivize good choices in Primary, but it could also be slightly changed and utilized to help children be reverent in Sacrament.
This is a guest post from Joey Lyman, who blogs at Questions About Mormonism. In recent years, there has been a push from church leaders to “simplify.” In 2010, President…
Hi, we recently had some issues with an update to the WordPress theme we’re using on MLH. In an effort to keep the site online and working, I changed themes.…