#ComeFollowMe with Living Scriptures: Alma 53–63: “Preserved by His Marvelous Power” August 10–16

#ComeFollowMe with Living Scriptures: Alma 53–63: “Preserved by His Marvelous Power” August 10–16


Be a Latter-Day Warrior

Alma 53-63 | Aug 10-16

Helaman’s 2,000 stripling warriors had great faith in God. They had been taught by their mothers to trust in the Lord and be obedient to the commandments. When they had to go to battle against the Lamanites, they knew God would help them if they were righteous. They fought valiantly, and when the battle was over Helaman was overjoyed to discover that not one of them was killed in battle. Heavenly Father had protected them.

Heavenly Father can protect us in our battle against evil. If we are faithful, obedient, and trust in God, we will have His loving protection in our lives.


Read and Discuss


Alma 57:21

“Yea, and they did obey and observe to perform every word of command with exactness; yea, and even according to their faith it was done unto them; and I did remember the words which they said unto me that their mothers had taught them.”

  • Why was Helaman’s army made up of teenage boys instead of grown men?
  • Why were these young men successful in battle?
  • How can the example of the stripling warriors help us fight against evil?


“Like Helaman’s 2,000 stripling warriors, you also are the spirit sons [and daughters] of God, and you too can be endowed with power to build up and defend His kingdom. We need you to make sacred covenants, just as they did. We need you to be meticulously obedient and faithful, just as they were.” M. Russell Ballard

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More Resources


I Will Be a Latter-day Warrior Game

“Fight” against bad practices like stealing, lying, and cheating with the “weapons” of faith, truth, and obedience.


Gingerbread “Warriors”

These adorable gingerbread cookies are decorated to resemble Helaman’s young army of stripling warriors.


We’ll Bring the World His Truth Children’s Songbook page 172

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