What is Mormon Daddy Blogs? Q&A with the Creator of MDB


UPDATE 6/20/14: it appears (as pointed out by Todd in the comments) MDB has been replaced by an e-cig website/blog. I’m not sure what’s happened, and have reached out to the original creator of the site to see if I can help. I’ll update you further here if/when I find out more.

Editor’s Note: I recently found a great new site called Mormon Daddy Blogs and got in touch with the primary force behind it: Dennis. Since then Mormon Life Hacker has been featured on MDB a couple of times and I’ve been able to learn more about what it is MDB does and how it works. Since many of our readers here at MLH are also Mormon Dad’s, it only seemed right to share a short Q&A I had with Dennis, to familiarize you with this great new site, and help promote MDB.

What is MDB?

MDB is simply a way to help shine a light on the fledgling blogging efforts of LDS men and hopefully encourage more of that kind of behavior. I think we as Latter-day Saints can find strength in sharing our struggles, the lessons we learn along the way, the light-hearted experiences that happen to us. I’ve been blogging a couple of years myself, and was a fan of the Mormon mommy blogs, but it was difficult to find blogs of other Mormon dads just doing their LDS dad thing. Just today, I had a LDS blogging dad in the U.K. email me: “I was surprised to find a gathering of fellow Mormon Daddy bloggers, I had almost resigned myself to being a lone man in the wilderness of Mormon Mommy bloggers!” It’s also my hope that MDB will help drive more traffic to these blogs. Blogs can be a lot of work, and if it is lightly visited day in and day out, it can be discouraging. In scouring the web for blogs, I’ve come across many that haven’t had a new post in months or years. But if MDB can help encourage bloggers by bringing new visitors, I hope that they will in turn want to post more often.




What is Mormon Mommy Bloggers? And what purpose and role do they play?

We’re not connected with MMB. But it appears they serve a similar function of being a clearinghouse for Mormon mommy blogs.

Who writes the posts that appear on the main site, and how do you get the opportunity to contribute a guest post?

I’ve written most of them. I’d welcome guest posts. I think it would be healthy to have more eyes out there looking for candidates and people with perhaps different interests. If anybody would like to submit or pitch something, they’d be welcome to email me at mormondaddyblogs@gmail.com.

Any other insights or explanation you could offer would be great as well.

I appreciate the support. Our first month (March), we were averaging about 50 visits a day. So far this month (Tevya: April, I’m a little slow getting this up), we’ve doubled or tripled that every day. It’s probably nowhere near MMB numbers, but it’s a start. We have a growing presence on facebook and twitter. We appreciate efforts to help spread the word.

Mormon Daddy Blogs was recently featured on Mormon Mommy blogs. And if you’re looking for more sites of this kind, you should also check out Modern Mormon Men (MMM). Is that enough acronyms that start with “M” for one post? I think so.

Visit Mormon Daddy Blogs today, and follow them on Facebook and Twitter. Let us know what you think of this great new site in the comments.

  1. I was intrigued by the google alert that lead me to your site. I was even more intrigued by the link to mormondaddyblogs site. I was disappointed to find that instead of what you seemed to promise in your article, I got an e-cigs ad. I understand it’s not easy to start out and any help is appreciated. It would definitely be worth it to get some real content. Ask friends family and quorum members to write some stories, DIYs, recipes, handyman tips, share life experiences, travel advice, you get the picture. I, like you, have been looking for good sources of wholesome information in the web and as I’m sure you’ve found you can be inundated with filth and idle banter. Let’s get some good audience participation out there. I’m sure you’ll see your traffic increase to. That can be a real morale booster.

    1. Todd, I’m not sure what has happened to MormonDaddyBlogs.com. It was a great site and worked fine, when I wrote this article, and even months later when I read other articles on it. Something has happened. I’ve reached out to Dennis, the original site’s creator to find out more information. I’ll add a note to this post shortly. Thank you.

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