Want to be on an episode of BYUtv's Come Follow Up? Read more below!

Want to be on an episode of BYUtv’s Come Follow Up? Read more below!


From the casting director:

I am the casting agent for audience of the BYUtv movie, Come Follow Up.

I am looking for people of all ages (over 12 years old) and of all denominations and ethnicity, to be part of our studio audience.

If you would be interested in being a part of the audience, please email me, at cfollowup11@gmail.com

The show is taped in Provo at the BYU Broadcasting Studios.

This is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the Come Follow Me topics for the upcoming year of 2022.

We shoot on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays only, and we can have you only work one day on the show.

Please contact me if you are interested, with a name, phone number and recent picture.
I’m also looking for families to send in video submissions. to air on the show.

Please contact me if you’re interested in doing that, and I will get you all the information. This only involves sending in a 30 second video. This can be done from your own home.
  1. I am concerned that your special guest last week stated that President Hinkleys comments he made in 1975 on why we don’t use crosses in temples and on church buildings was wrong and out of date. Your expert has a right to his opinion but when he is questioning a prophet I have to disagree with him.

  2. I am always touched with a deeper love the Savior has for me when I watch the show and take notes. I’m truly inspired to do better at my study of the scriptures after watch each week. I have a learning disability that was never diagnosed and it helps me greatly to see the guests and the reactions of the audience and the wonderful host. Thank-you so much for making this program available to all of God’s children to learn more and understand.
    Tonia Quigley

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