I am always interested to see what common themes emerge after each General Conference.
Some are time-tested (basic principles like faith, repentance, etc.), and some are unique to the times and circumstances of our collective lives.
Below are ten common themes from the October 2024 General Conference I discovered. Do yours align with mine?
1. Faith in Jesus Christ
- Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf: “Faith in our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will nourish our souls” (Nourish the Roots, and the Branches Will Grow).
- Elder Neil L. Andersen: “Our faith will anchor us in the storms” (The Triumph of Hope).
- Elder David P. Homer: “Trusting God strengthens our faith” (Trusting Our Father).
Questions to consider:
- How can I strengthen my faith daily?
- How has my faith sustained me through difficulties?
2. Repentance
- Elder D. Todd Christofferson: “Let us bury our weapons of rebellion, including pride” (Burying Our Weapons of Rebellion).
- Elder Jorge M. Alvarado: “The Savior’s atonement enables our repentance” (Embrace the Lord’s Gift of Repentance).
- Sister Kristin M. Yee: “His mercy transforms our mistakes” (The Joy of Our Redemption).
Questions to consider:
- How can I embrace repentance more fully?
- What changes can I make to be more in tune with God’s will?
3. Hope
- Elder Neil L. Andersen: “Hope is a living gift” (The Triumph of Hope).
- Elder Patrick Kearon: “Joy springs from hope in Christ” (Welcome to the Church of Joy).
- President Russell M. Nelson: “Prepare with hope for the Savior’s return” (The Lord Jesus Christ Will Come Again).
Questions to consider:
- What specific actions nurture my hope in Christ?
- How can I bring more hope to others?
4. Joy in Christ
- Elder Patrick Kearon: “This is the Church of joy!” (Welcome to the Church of Joy).
- Elder Ulisses Soares: “Joy comes from submitting to God’s will” (Aligning Our Will with His).
- Elder Ronald A. Rasband: “Joy is found in holding up the light of Christ” (Behold I Am the Light Which Ye Shall Hold Up).
Questions to consider:
- How do I find joy in following Christ?
- How can I bring Christ’s joy to others?
5. Personal Revelation
- President Emily Belle Freeman: “Priesthood power flows through personal revelation” (Live Up to Your Privileges).
- Elder Dallin H. Oaks: “Follow Christ’s example to receive revelation” (Following Christ).
- Elder David A. Bednar: “Faith opens the door to revelation” (In the Space of Not Many Years).
Questions to consider:
- How am I seeking personal revelation?
- What recent revelations have I acted upon?
6. Obedience
- Elder Dale G. Renlund: “Obedience leads to spiritual power” (This Is My Gospel—This Is My Church).
- Elder David P. Homer: “Blessings follow our obedience” (Trusting Our Father).
- Elder D. Todd Christofferson: “Obedience helps us bury rebellion” (Burying Our Weapons of Rebellion).
Questions to consider:
- How does obedience to God’s commandments shape my life?
- What can I do to be more consistently obedient?
7. Service
- Elder José A. Teixeira: “Becoming the salt of the earth through service” (Bonded to Jesus Christ).
- Elder Gregorio E. Casillas: “Ministering blesses the lives of others” (God Loves All His Children).
- Elder Brook P. Hales: “Service helps us embrace mortality” (Mortality Works!).
Questions to consider:
- How can I better serve those around me?
- What service opportunities have I overlooked?
8. Temples and Covenants
- President Emily Belle Freeman: “Covenant promises bring God’s power into our lives” (Live Up to Your Privileges).
- Elder Dale G. Renlund: “Temple ordinances make us holy” (This Is My Gospel—This Is My Church).
- Elder Quentin L. Cook: “The Book of Mormon strengthens our covenants” (Sacred Scriptures—the Foundations of Faith).
Questions to consider:
- How am I honoring my covenants?
- How often do I attend the temple?
9. Redemption through Christ
- Elder Gerrit W. Gong: “Holiness prepares us to live with God” (Holiness to the Lord in Everyday Life).
- Elder Jeffrey R. Holland: “Christ’s charity redeems us” (I Am He).
- Sister Kristin M. Yee: “Christ redeems us from our mistakes” (The Joy of Our Redemption).
Questions to consider:
- How does Christ’s atonement impact my life?
- How can I better accept His redemptive power?
10. Scripture Study
- Elder Takashi Wada: “The Holy Ghost and scriptures lead to truth” (The Words of Christ and the Holy Ghost Will Lead Us to the Truth).
- Elder Quentin L. Cook: “Scriptures are the foundation of faith” (Sacred Scriptures—the Foundations of Faith).
- Elder Rubén V. Alliaud: “Scriptures help us understand our divine nature” (Sons and Daughters of God).
Questions to consider:
- How can I improve my scripture study habits?
- What truths have I recently learned from the scriptures?
You can access all these talks and more from the October 2024 General Conference here.
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