2.1K views3 minute read The Place for Gays Inside the Mormon Church (by Greg Trimble)Guest Author21 April 2017 Homosexuals need to know that they absolutely have a place in the church. View Post
2.7K views2 minute read “We’re still family”—one LDS family’s journey learning to accept and love their LGBT sondyejo22 March 2017 Becky and Scott Mackintosh have loved their son as he has grown up, served a mission, come out as gay, and left the faith he was raised in. The entire family has learned to love in new, more inclusive ways. View Post
2.1K views4 minute read Encircle Open House: new project in Provo, Utah helps strengthen LGBT individuals and familiesGuest Author15 February 2017 In the heart of Utah County, people are picking up the standard and moving it forward to help strengthen families with LGBT members. View Post