President Henry B. Eyring begins his message by expressing a deep, heartfelt concern familiar to many—watching loved ones struggle under the weight of temptation and adversity. Like many families today, he acknowledges the pain of sleepless nights spent worrying for family members, the consistent efforts to protect them through prayer, love, and example, and the sometimes seemingly limited impact those efforts have.
To offer hope and direction, President Eyring draws upon the experience of Alma, a prophet in the Book of Mormon. Alma’s people were constantly under threat by enemies and worldly influences, yet they tried to raise righteous children. Rather than resorting to force, Alma chose a more powerful path: the preaching of the word of God. Alma understood that the word of God, or the doctrine of Jesus Christ, had a greater impact on the hearts and minds of people than any sword or strategy. This principle is key: true doctrine, taught simply, changes hearts and saves lives.
President Eyring affirms that the doctrine of Jesus Christ is simple but incredibly powerful. In Doctrine and Covenants 18, Christ Himself outlines the steps of His gospel: faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism, receiving the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. These steps represent a spiritual transformation that leads us back to the presence of God. Teaching these steps should be at the heart of our interactions with our families and those we care about.
While the doctrine is simple, the challenge is in remaining faithful to its simplicity. President Eyring cautions against speculation or adding to the doctrine with personal interpretation. He notes how tempting it is to try new or dramatic approaches when someone we love appears unresponsive to the gospel. However, the Holy Ghost only confirms truth—and we risk losing that guidance if we stray from the simplicity of true doctrine. Simplicity ensures safety, accuracy, and the companionship of the Spirit.
He explains that teaching this doctrine should begin early in a child’s life. Children are exposed to constant opposing influences from social media, peers, and the world at large. For every hour we teach truth, they may receive countless hours of competing voices. That’s why it’s vital to seize every opportunity to teach Jesus Christ’s gospel to them while their hearts are still open.
President Eyring recognizes the worries many parents have—whether spiritual teaching might push children away or whether fun and bonding should take precedence. He encourages us to see our limited time with children as sacred and to use it to teach doctrine that will anchor them through life’s storms. Even if the teachings seem to go unnoticed now, they may become the very words that rescue them in a future moment of doubt or crisis.
He then shares a powerful story of his great-grandmother, Mary Bommeli. After converting to the Church in Switzerland, Mary traveled to Berlin, where it was illegal to preach the doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Yet she couldn’t resist sharing her testimony. While working as a servant and weaver, she used her loom as a pulpit. Her teachings—about Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon, the Resurrection, and eternal families—attracted attention, including from the authorities.
Mary was arrested for teaching doctrine. On the way to jail, she learned the name of the judge she would face and asked about his family. That night in jail, she wrote a letter to the judge, explaining doctrines such as the Resurrection, the spirit world, and repentance. She warned him of the need to prepare for judgment and shared her testimony of Jesus Christ. The next day, the charges were dropped. Mary was released not through silence or defense, but through boldly bearing testimony.
This story highlights a profound truth: sharing simple doctrine—no matter your circumstances—has power. Mary’s example reminds us that even new converts can testify with impact, and their efforts can influence generations. Her faithful teaching became a legacy, strengthening her descendants in their own trials of faith.
Yet, President Eyring also addresses the reality that not everyone will immediately respond to our teachings. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, loved ones still struggle or wander. He urges us not to give in to doubt or feel inadequate. Instead, we should turn to God with our worries. Through prayer and submission, we can receive patience and long-suffering, even if our hopes aren’t fulfilled right away.
He quotes scripture that encourages believers to cry unto God, place their hearts upon Him, and always be grateful. In doing so, we are promised strength, peace, and closeness to God. Even if results don’t come quickly, faith and consistency in teaching and prayer will transform us. We will become more like Christ—humble, diligent, and full of enduring love.
To encourage hope, President Eyring points to scriptural figures like Alma the Younger, the sons of Mosiah, and Enos. They all strayed or wrestled with God before returning to Him—and it was the remembered words of their parents that brought them back. This is a reassurance that our efforts to teach may bear fruit in ways we cannot yet see.
He closes with a powerful testimony: the work of teaching the simple doctrine of Jesus Christ is sacred. This doctrine cleanses souls, reunites families, and leads us to eternal life with God. It is the saving message the world needs—and the one that each of us can share, simply and powerfully.
- “The preaching of the word had a great tendency to lead the people to do that which was just … more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword.”
- “One of the surest ways to avoid even getting near false doctrine is to choose to be simple in our teaching.”
- “Teaching simply allows us to share the saving doctrine early on, while children remain untouched by the deceiver’s temptations.”
- “The words you share today could be the ones they carry with them, and today will soon pass.”
- “Her declaring the doctrine of repentance to the judge got her cast out of jail.”
- “Don’t give in to those doubts. Turn to God for help.”
- “Your teaching of that sacred doctrine will be remembered.”
- “You will become diligent and long-suffering. And then you can know that you have done all that you can.”
- “Even a new convert could teach the doctrine of Jesus Christ.”
- “The sacred work of teaching Heavenly Father’s children the simple doctrine of Jesus Christ … allows us to be spiritually cleansed and ultimately be welcomed into God’s presence.”
10 Questions
- Do I fully understand the simple doctrine of Jesus Christ in my own life?
- How often do I teach or testify of this doctrine to my children or loved ones?
- Am I relying on sensational or speculative teaching methods instead of the Spirit?
- Do I trust that even my simple testimony can have a lasting impact?
- Have I missed opportunities to share the gospel with those around me?
- What doubts have I allowed to stop me from continuing to teach and testify?
- Am I patient and long-suffering as I wait for spiritual change in others?
- Do I pray with faith and gratitude even when answers don’t come quickly?
- What can I do to better prepare my children or family for spiritual opposition?
- How can I be more like Mary Bommeli in sharing my faith with courage?