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“SHAMELESS,” a short film by Cooper Anderson, opens your eyes to labels, inner struggles, and healing through the atonement of Jesus Christ

Get a new and unique view of the hope and healing that come through Jesus Christ and his atonement.

The ten finalists of the Film Your Faith Video Contest have been announced!

Faith Counts is made up of multiple faiths and is interdenomenational in nature. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is involved and an active supporter of Faith Counts.

Cooper Anderson, the director of this video, writes:

Mission Church Bend is at Mission Church Bend.

March 5Bend, OR

Help us take this video to the world! Share with everyone that they can live SHAMELESS!!! 


Romans 8:1–2 So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.

#Shameless a new series at Mission Church. Join us on a journey of discovering just who you are in Christ! Mission Bend 9:30, 11, & 6

#Raw #Truth #MissionChurch

Vote for your favorite video HERE, then tell your friends.

The fan favorite will receive $10,000!

1. Trust // Forbes by Mike Steinkamp
2. The World Needs to Know by Landon Mauricio
3. Testimony of Faith by Ryan H. Riffle
4. Shameless by Cooper Anderson
5. Never Forsake Me by Andrew Holmes
6. Many Voices. One Message by Kali Bailey
7. Learning to Walk by Ethan Tradup
8. Faith Can Change Youth by Bishop Freeze (Dwayne Parker)
9. Faith is Knowing by Kyle Churchwell
10. 11:1 by Eric Dycus

Vote now!

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