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Powerful behind-the-scenes images from the Sunday, April 5, 2020 General Conference
These BTS images are pretty incredible. Thanks Tad Walch!
190th Annual General Conference * April 4 – 5, 2020 Saturday PM *
Read the notes from the 19th Saturday afternoon session of General Conference
As we put our trust in Jesus we constantly see His miracles in our lives and it’s in those moments that we simply stand amazed! We hope this song brings you peace and helps you feel the love Jesus offers you.
Utah company Pluralsight offers #FreeApril coding access — sign up now!
In these uncertain times, we find ourselves in a new era – an era of working from home and social distancing. As we stay at home to contribute to the greater good, we have an opportunity to invest in ourselves, learn new concepts, build new skills, and ready ourselves to build a better future.
VIDEO: Prophet of a King — Hannah from TORCH family music (commemorating the 200th Anniversary of Joseph Smith and the First Vision)
“Some said he was dishonest, others said he was mad; and he was ridiculed and reviled, But all this did not destroy the reality of his vision. He had seen a vision, he knew he had, and all the persecution under heaven could not make it otherwise; and though they should persecute him unto death, yet he knew, and would know to his latest breath, that he had both seen a light and heard a voice speaking unto him, and all the world could not make him think or believe otherwise.” – Joseph Smith–History 1:24
President Russell M. Nelson offers comfort and hope amidst COVID-19 and coronavirus concerns; prepares us for #GeneralConference #LDSConf
What is true is that amid the gloomy darkness of a troubled world, the light of Jesus Christ shines ever brighter. He can speak truth to our hearts and minds as we seek Him and learn to hear Him.
VIDEO: The Nashville Tribute Band wants YOU to sing with THEM!
We want you guys to share your testimony with one of your favorite Nashville tribute band songs, record it, and send it to us, so we can put it on our Facebook page, and you’re likely to be seen all around the world.
VIDEO: The new face of missionary work (and COVID-19 realities)
Homecoming talks via Facebook Live.
Whole planes full of missionaries coming back to the states.
Maybe this is something the Church could do?
Have Tabernacle Choir music playing all the while instead of Catholic catechisms?