Elder Patrick Kearon has been called as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Key points and a quick study guide for Elder Patrick Kearon’s remarks | “Welcome to the Church of Joy” | October 2024 General Conference



In his October 2024 General Conference talk, Elder Patrick Kearon emphasized the profound joy found within the gospel of Jesus Christ. He spoke of the need for members to embrace joy and gratitude in their lives as manifestations of their faith.

Elder Kearon encouraged believers to view the gospel not as a burden but as a source of immense happiness. He addressed the reality of life’s difficulties but reminded listeners that joy is always accessible through a deep connection with the Savior.

Elder Kearon called on members to fully participate in the joy of the Church of Jesus Christ by engaging in meaningful worship, service, and relationships. He also highlighted the importance of gratitude as a key to happiness and spiritual fulfillment. Through expressions of gratitude and acts of kindness, believers can help lift others and experience true joy.


  • “Welcome to the church of joy! Welcome to the church of joy!”
  • “We can—and should—be the most joyful people on earth!”
  • “Joy comes from and because of Him. … For Latter-day Saints, Jesus Christ is joy!”
  • “Nowhere should our joy as a people be more apparent than when we gather together each Sabbath.”
  • “Is this spirit of collective rejoicing in Christ what you find? Is this what you bring?”
  • “Joyful reverence? ‘Is that a thing?’ you may ask. Well, yes, it is!”
  • “To attend means to be present at. But to worship is to intentionally praise and adore our God.”
  • “Our faces should reflect our joy and gratitude!”
  • “Let’s sing! And praise Him!”
  • “If you have yet to discover this joy, embark on its quest.”

10 Questions:

  • How can I increase my sense of joy and gratitude during sacrament meetings?
  • What actions can I take to create a more welcoming and loving environment at church?
  • How can I better embrace Christ’s love in my daily life?
  • In what ways can I make worship a more transformative experience?
  • How does joyful reverence change my perspective on sacred ordinances?
  • What aspects of my worship feel routine, and how can I refresh them with joy?
  • How can I help others feel the joy of the gospel during the week, not just on Sundays?
  • In what ways do I demonstrate Christlike joy in my interactions with others?
  • How can I better reflect gratitude for Christ’s mercy in my everyday actions?
  • What specific things can I do to seek out and embrace more joy in my spiritual life?


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