Key points and a quick study guide for Elder D. Todd Christofferson's remarks | October 2024 General Conference

Key points and a quick study guide for Elder D. Todd Christofferson’s remarks | “Burying Our Weapons of Rebellion” | October 2024 General Conference



Elder D. Todd Christofferson’s October 2024 General Conference talk centered on the concept of “burying our weapons of rebellion” and yielding to God’s will. He encouraged listeners to examine personal rebellions, whether subtle or overt, and invited everyone to replace them with righteousness, peace, and submission to divine guidance. He referenced the story of the converted Lamanites in the Book of Mormon who buried their weapons as a powerful metaphor for surrendering personal defiance against God. Elder Christofferson emphasized that spiritual transformation comes from humble repentance and aligning with God’s will.


  • “The sons of King Mosiah began what would be a 14-year mission to the Lamanites… through the Holy Spirit.”
  • “Thousands of the Lamanites were converted and became disciples of Jesus Christ through divine intervention.”
  • “The key to their enduring conversion… they laid down the weapons of their rebellion and changed their hearts.”
  • “Their sincere repentance not only led to forgiveness but also removed the very stain of their sins.”
  • “Rebellion can manifest as active opposition or passive disregard for God’s will in our daily lives.”
  • “Even subtle actions of defiance toward divine guidance reflect forms of rebellion, whether intentional or not.”
  • “Lucifer’s rebellion continues to influence modern times, evident in the rejection of divine truths and guidance.”
  • “Nehor and Korihor’s rejection of religious authority promoted a life without accountability or repentance.”
  • “Phelps turned against the Church, but through repentance, he buried his ‘weapons of rebellion’ and was forgiven.”
  • “True discipleship means following Christ’s example, aligning our will to the Father’s, and forsaking rebellion.”

For the full text, please visit Elder Christofferson’s talk.

10 Questions:

  1. What personal “weapons of rebellion” might I need to bury?
  2. In what ways do I subtly resist God’s will?
  3. How can I increase my humility in everyday life?
  4. What areas of my life require more submission to God’s guidance?
  5. How do I seek the Holy Spirit’s promptings regularly?
  6. Am I more focused on personal desires than on God’s will?
  7. How do I respond when faced with correction from the Lord?
  8. What is holding me back from fully yielding to God’s plan?
  9. How can I make repentance a daily practice in my life?
  10. Where can I find greater peace through surrendering my pride?
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