
If you have little ones or teens, you know how hard it can be to get the attention of your primary-aged or teenagers to focus in on the messages of #GeneralConference, right? Fear no more!


The air is crisp. The leaves are either in full fall color or are starting to grow to summer splendor.

And cinnamon rolls are being purchased or prepared for a Saturday and/or Sunday breakfast.

This can only mean one thing in the state of Utah or other Latter-day Saint households—General Conference is coming!

If you have little ones or teens, you know how hard it can be to get the attention of your primary-aged or teenagers to focus in on the messages of #GeneralConference, right? (Below is an actual photo of me during the last General Conference.)

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It is seriously like herding cats or pushing string.



Did you know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints provides a page of general conference activities for youth/children in EnglishPortuguese, and Spanish  to help them focus on learning more from listening to or watching #GeneralConference?

There are other 💥 GREAT RESOURCES💥 from other online outlets. Check out the following list!

Also, check out the following FREE downloadable printables from the Church:



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