#GeneralConference October 2024 | Saturday Morning Session | President Dallin H. Oaks | Be Peacemakers

#GeneralConference October 2024 | Saturday Morning Session | President Dallin H. Oaks | Be Peacemakers


The central message of President Dallin H. Oaks’ talk emphasizes the invitation from Jesus Christ: “Come, follow me.” This is not a casual or occasional practice but a continuous commitment and way of life. Christ’s teachings and example serve as a guide for every disciple, and His call is extended to all—regardless of race, gender, or status. The first step in following Him is to obey the great commandments: to love God with all one’s heart, soul, and mind, and to love one’s neighbor as oneself. These commandments form the foundation of all laws and prophetic teachings.


Using a powerful metaphor, the text likens life’s challenges to a kite flying in the wind. The string that connects the kite to the boy holding it represents the covenants that bind us to God. Just as cutting the string would cause the kite to crash, losing our connection to these covenants would cause us to be overwhelmed by the difficulties of mortal life. By keeping our covenants and following Christ’s plan of redemption, we can rise to celestial heights, strengthened by His grace and guidance.


Jesus Christ is presented as the perfect role model, whose light and teachings we must follow. Through faith in Christ, repentance, baptism, receiving the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end, we can grow spiritually and become like Him. The text also emphasizes the importance of peacemaking in our interactions, especially in a world filled with hostility and contention. Christ’s commandment to love our enemies and be peacemakers is reiterated as a fundamental aspect of discipleship.


Furthermore, the text reflects on how the Church’s teachings have evolved over time, with permanent commandments guiding eternal truths and temporary commandments addressing specific circumstances. It also highlights the need to avoid contention in all aspects of life, whether in politics, personal relationships, or public discourse. Following Christ’s example means avoiding harsh and hateful communication and seeking common ground for peaceful resolution.


Ultimately, the call is to let God prevail in our lives, allowing His commandments and voice to be the guiding force in our daily actions. By following Christ’s teachings and being peacemakers, we can align ourselves with His will and receive the blessings of peace and holiness.


Five Great Quotes:


  1. “Come, follow me. Following Christ is not a casual or occasional practice.”
  2. “On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”
  3. “If we lose our hold on the string, the kite will not rise higher.”
  4. “One of the easiest ways to identify a true form of Christ is how compassionately that person treats other people.”
  5. “Contention is a choice. Peacemaking is a choice.”


Ten Questions To Consider:


  1. How fully have I committed to following Christ in every aspect of my life?
  2. In what ways can I strengthen my love for God and my neighbor?
  3. What “strings” or covenants in my life keep me connected to God, and how can I maintain them?
  4. How can I better understand and follow Christ’s example in my daily decisions?
  5. What steps can I take to be a peacemaker in my relationships and interactions?
  6. Do I allow contention to creep into my communications, and how can I avoid it?
  7. How can I prioritize God’s influence over other voices in my life?
  8. What areas of my life require repentance and a closer alignment with Christ’s teachings?
  9. How can I embody the Golden Rule in my treatment of others?
  10. In moments of disagreement, how can I seek common ground while remaining true to my principles?


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