Wandering around might seem like more the stuff that an aimless person does, but great leaders do it as well, and for very effective reasons. Janet Peterson over at Meridian…
Kyle M at the LDS blog By Common Consent has launched a new series of “church-hacker” articles. He describes their purpose like this: …it’s basically Lifehacker, but for church. Each week,…
Editor’s Note: I found this unpublished life hack from the original creator of MLH, Brett McKay. I’ve added the technical details, but it’s a great tip that also works for…
We previously told you how Google Voice can help Bishops and other leaders. This guest post from Micah Stubblefield tells you how to use its texting feature to keep in…
Organized LDS Family is a neat little site full of Excel spreadsheets and check lists to keep LDS families organized. They have templates for budgets, Scout tracking, and 72 hour…