formerly phread dyejo LDS Mormon Life Hacker formerly phread

Sharing (Mother’s Day Edition)—formerly phread

Mother’s Day isn’t easy for a lot of people for a lot of reasons, many centered on expectations. For me, it’s been a day when a huge mirror is placed in front of me, forcing me to see what I’m doing. It hasn’t ever felt like a healthy evaluation, but more of an imposed critique while being forced to listen to stories of Angel Mothers Who Never Raised Their Voices and stuff like that.
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#BuyMyVitara - Suzuki Vitara '96 for sale

Wondering how to best sell your old car? Visual effects artist creates epic video, and now 3+ million people want to buy it (#BuyMyVitara – Suzuki Vitara ’96 for sale)

Mormons, with our typical large families and conservative mindsets, often keep vehicles for a long time. When it is time to sell, we often have a lot of cherished memories with our cars and trucks. But none of them even come close to the memories Eugene Romanovsky created with his 1996 Suzuki Vitara.
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