The “beginning of miracles” was Jesus changing water to wine | BYU Studies

The “beginning of miracles” was Jesus changing water to wine | BYU Studies


John 2–4

The “beginning of miracles” was Jesus changing water to wine, symbolizing the change of heart that occurs as we are born again and become his disciples.

The Fourth Gospel and Expectations of the Jewish Messiah,” by Joshua M. Matson, in Thou Art the Christ, the Son of the Living God, BYU Religious Studies Center

John’s Gospel shows that the Jews of Jerusalem were the most unwilling of any people to accept Jesus as the Messiah. The Samaritan woman at the well (John 4) had been taught to expect someone other than Jesus as the Messiah, but she listened and learned.

“Baptism of Fire and the Holy Ghost,” William S. Bradshaw, Encyclopedia of Mormonism

This short entry defines what it means to be baptized with fire: “The baptism of fire, ministered by the Holy Ghost, is manifested through a set of personal sensations, impressions, and insights that constitute a spiritual witness from deity that one has received a remission of sins (2 Ne. 31:17).” It adds references to early Christian practice: “The ordinance of conferring the Holy Ghost initiated early Christian converts into the Church (Acts 8:12–17; 3 Ne. 18; Moro. 2–3; 6).”

Chart 7–8: “Miracles of Jesus,” Charting the New Testament

This chart lists forty-two of the miracles that Jesus performed, along with their scriptural references in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The chart shows that Jesus was a man of deeds as well as a man of words.

“Miracles of Jesus in the Gospel of John,” Blair G. Van Dyke, Religious Educator, Volume 9, no. 3

This article discusses the seven miracles of Jesus that are recorded in chapters 2–11 of the book of John. Author Blair Van Dyke writes, “Since John’s Gospel is generally understood to have been directed toward an audience that already believed that Jesus is the Christ, we may reasonably conclude that the purpose of these seven miracles…is to deepen faith in Christ.” Through this article, readers may gain a deeper understanding of how sharply the Gospel of John is focused on Christ.

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