VIDEO: Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) MASHUP - Cover by Lyza Bull

VIDEO: Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) MASHUP – Cover by Lyza Bull


Lyza Bull sings an Amazing Grace–My Chains are Gone- Mashup to celebrate Good Friday and Easter week.  Last seen in her successful “Frozen 2” –Into the Unknown cover, her work with Dreanworks, and as a former member of the One Voice Children’s Choir,  Lyza sings about her favorite subject, the Savior, to bring hope and peace into the world.


Connect with Lyza Bull:












Video Produced and Directed by:  Shaundee Bull – BP Media, LLC

Cinematography: Nick Sales  (  


Editing by: Nick Sales and Shaundee Bull 


Music Arranged, Recorded and Produced:  Gavin McMahan:  


Woodwinds: Sax Spy:…


#AmazingGrace #Easter #Sunday #GoodFriday #Fasting #ComeuntoChrist #HearHim #CoronaVirus #COVID19  #Jesus #Savior #Christ 


Lyza Bull is a vocal/dance Artist and YouTube Sensation.  With over 100 Million Views, on both her own channel and in artists she has collaborated with. Lyza has worked with Dreamworks Animation and has filmed and recorded original songs for the Trolls Department at Dreamworks.  Lyza has been awarded the Utah Music Award for “Best Music Video” for her Greatest Showman Mashup and the Utah Music Award for “Best New Artist”. Lyza has had the opportunity to tour and sing in Japan, France, and for President Obama and the First Lady at the White House.  Lyza has shared the stage with many incredible artists, including opening for Loren Allred, from Greatest Showman fame. She is a past member of the One Voice Children’s Choir, studies dance at The Dance Club, and loves musical theater. Lyza has found her home both in live performances, as well as being onscreen, spreading Light to the World through Music one note at a time! 


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#AmazingGrace #Easter #Sunday #GoodFriday #Fasting #ComeuntoChrist #HearHim #CoronaVirus #COVID19  #Jesus #Savior #Christ 


#Frozen2 #IntoTheUnknown  #Disney #LyzaBull #Lyza  #OneVoiceChildrensChoir

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