COME, FOLLOW ME LESSON AIDS: November 4–10 Hebrews 1–6 Jesus Christ, “the Author of Eternal Salvation”
Hebrews 1: The Son is in the express image of the person of the Father—Christ is the Only Begotten Son and thus above the angels.
Hebrews 2: Jesus came to suffer death and save men—He came to make reconciliation for the sins of the people.
Hebrews 3: Christ is the Apostle and High Priest of our profession—Jesus, being the Son, is more than a servant—Now is the time and the day of our salvation.
Hebrews 4: The gospel was offered to ancient Israel—Saints enter into the rest of the Lord—Though tempted in all points, Jesus was without sin.
Hebrews 5: For a man to hold the priesthood, he must be called of God as was Aaron—Christ was a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek—Jesus Christ is the Author of eternal salvation.
Hebrews 6: Let us go on to perfection—The sons of perdition crucify Christ anew—God swears with an oath that the faithful will be saved.