Pay Your Tithing Online with – Coming Soon!

Pay LDS Tithing Online -

A friend told me that the Church is piloting a new online payment site in their stake. This source heard it announced in church, then logged into his account to check it out. He/she captured the below screenshot and graciously passed it on to me. It should make it easy to pay tithing, fast offerings, and other donations to the Church, electronically!

Our post about how to pay your tithing online has long been one of our most viewed posts. More people have found found Mormon Life Hacker by searching for how to pay tithing online, than any other method. Unfortunately it’s not a great system as some of the updates and comments on that post point out. So we’re really excited to tell you that the Church has a beta version coming soon! And it works for anyone with an account and a US bank account.

Here was my source’s thoughts after trying a first donation:

Very very simple to use. Just need to know your routing number and then your account number to a checking or savings account. (They have a check sample on the page that shows you where to quickly find those sets of numbers.) It doesn’t look like there is an option to set up recurring payments—but you can save your account information so that when you manually pay, you don’t have to re-enter your information. It looks like the transaction happens though Zion’s Bank on their (the Church’s) end of things.

What we can surmise from the info available:

Who else is stoked about this? I sure am. I’ve been wanting to update the previous post for years, but just haven’t had any really helpful news on this front. Glad to see the church recognized the demand and prioritized it as an integrated service as part of our accounts.

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