Passionate Testimonies of Christ: James Dunne uses powerful personal testimonies of Christ and the authentic words found in the Book of Mormon to bring people to Christ through music

Passionate Testimonies of Christ: James Dunne uses powerful personal testimonies of Christ and the authentic words found in the Book of Mormon to bring people to Christ through music

Since 1994, James Dunne has been engaged in a project aimed at setting powerful personal testimonies of Christ to music, utilizing the authentic words found in the Book of Mormon.

The recently unveiled album, “Passionate Testimonies of Christ,” features renowned passages such as “I Have Dreamed a Dream” (attributed to Lehi), “Rejoice, My Soul” (referred to as Nephi’s Psalm), “How is it Done?” (from the perspective of Enos), “Nourish the Word” (derived from Alma 32), “Can You Feel So Now?” (based on the questions posed in Alma 5), “O That I Were an Angel” (a sentiment expressed in Alma 17), “The Voice” (extracted from Helaman 5.5), and “He Wept” & “We Heard Him Pray” (reflecting disciple reactions in Third Nephi).

The album’s title finds its inspiration in the profound enthusiasm exhibited by numerous vocalists who contributed to the project, including Alex Boyé, Conlon Bonner, Yahosh Bonner, Amy Lynn Whitcomb, Daniel Beck, Allie Gardner, Yaphet Bustos, and several others.

Employing a contemporary pop format, the music is complemented by IMAX-quality sound design. The lyrics and titles were meticulously chosen to ensure a non-denominational appreciation for these testimonies of Christ; for instance, “Nephi’s Psalm” is presented as “Rejoice, My Soul.”

The inception of this project can be traced back to Dunne’s own encounter with the Book of Mormon, which played a pivotal role in his conversion to Christian doctrine and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at the age of 22.

Subsequently, upon encountering his favorite scripture passage (2 Nephi 4:15–31), commonly referred to as “Nephi’s Psalm,” he was struck by the absence of musical accompaniment. This realization prompted him to undertake the endeavor of transforming these sacred texts into melodic compositions.

Despite encountering initial challenges in reconciling the structure of scripture with musical conventions, Dunne persisted in his efforts, recognizing the intrinsic power of Nephi’s words. Following a six-month period of experimentation and refinement, he devised a methodology that allowed him to capture the essence and spirit of these testimonies while maintaining musical coherence.

Upon relocating from Salem, Oregon to Cedar City, Utah, Dunne assembled a team of accomplished LDS talent in Provo, Utah, to realize his vision. Working alongside Daniel Blomberg and Dave Zimmerman of Noisebox Studios, the vocalists enthusiastically embraced their roles, contributing to the creation of Broadway-quality vocal arrangements complemented by IMAX-quality sound design.

Commendations for the album have been forthcoming, with Jay Lawrence, a founding member of the creatively innovative LDS instrumental group Enoch Train, describing it as a “magnificent work of art” characterized by “superb writing” and “excellent heartfelt performances.” Similarly, Garth Smith, an LDS performing and recording artist, lauded the project as “fresh” and “ground-breaking.”

“Passionate Testimonies of Christ” is available for purchase on CD via Deseret Book, or can be accessed on any music streaming service.

The YouTube playlist is located here.

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