Filming for the “Book of Mormon Videos” has wrapped, and new videos completing the 45-episode series will be released in time for the 2024 “Come, Follow Me” study of the Book of Mormon. These will include the stories of Captain Moroni and the title of liberty, Helaman’s faithful stripling warriors, and Samuel the Lamanite, among others.
Eleven new episodes will be released throughout the year to accompany lessons on the following subjects:
Jacob Teaches the Allegory of the Olive Tree | Jacob 5
The Lord Delivers the People of Limhi and Alma | Mosiah 21–24
The Lord Delivers the People of Ammon | Alma 23–27
Moroni Raises the Title of Liberty | Alma 46
Helaman’s Stripling Soldiers Fight for Freedom | Alma 53–58
Nephi and Lehi Testify of Jesus Christ | Helaman 5
Samuel the Lamanite Prophesies of Jesus Christ | Helaman 13–16; 3 Nephi 1
The Lord Appears to the Brother of Jared | Ether 1–6, 12–13
Mormon Teaches About Faith, Hope and Charity | Moroni 7
Mormon Teaches About the Salvation of Little Children | Moroni 8
A majority of “Book of Mormon Videos” episodes will be available in 2024 in as many as 60 languages. Portions of the series will be available in additional languages. A new trailer representing the full series is now available.