Come, Follow Me | Matthew 1 and Luke 1, Testimonies of Jesus | Taylor Halverson

Taylor Halverson LDS MissionCast

As we approach our study of the scriptures may we be like the inquisitive Theophilus of Luke searching for the certain witness of the Lord Jesus Christ. To satisfy such spiritual desires, faithful early Christians such as Luke composed lengthy expositions called “Gospels” filled with narratives, homilies, hymnodies, miracles, parables, sayings, doings, doctrines, and, most importantly, the sure witness of Jesus as the promised Christ. We have four such Gospels in our canonical New Testament that share this testimony of Christ. But just as four master painters use various styles to represent the same landscape, so too the four Gospel writers have unique approaches to sharing their certain witness that Jesus is indeed the Christ. Additionally, each of our Gospel witnesses includes unique perspectives and valuable information as they describe life models of worthy and God-fearing individuals who populate the stage of Christ’s life such as Mary, Joseph and John the Baptist.

Availing ourselves of the first chapter of both Matthew and Luke, we will highlight their unique expressions of Christ centered testimony and then we will discuss some individual characters found in those chapters.


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