Using Asana to Manage Your Ward or Auxiliary – MLH Live Hangout #3

Previously I posted about using the excellent, free, “Getting Things Done” tool, Asana, in your ward or other church-related organization. Today, I interviewed Bishops & MLH-contributors Jeff VanDrimmelen and Kurt Francom about how they’re using Asana to better organize their Bishopric’s, ward council’s, and auxiliaries.

Both told me (and those viewing the live broadcast) about how Asana has helped them get a lot of the small, logistical matters out of the way, so that their Bishopric and Ward Council meetings can be focused more on people and spiritual matters… and still be shorter than they were before. Check it out:

[box]NOTE: we’ve decided on a new format for these live hangouts. We’ll only invite 1 or 2 guests and keep it focused. Our hard limit is 30 minutes. We thought that was more appropriate for a life-hacker audience.[/box]

Let us know in the comments what you think. If you’d like to have these live hangouts published as a podcast, let us know that too, we can add that if there’s enough demand.

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