Primary recreates the Easter tomb

From a Primary worker (paraphrased):

Initially, I hesitated about sharing my project, but after encouragement from a fellow Primary President in a different ward, I’ve decided to present it. My skills are not rooted in music—indeed, many of the eldest class members surpass me in that arena. However, my forte is in creativity, particularly in thematic event decoration, where I adopt a ‘go big or go home’ approach. This mindset was particularly evident after I noticed discussions here about constructing life-size garden tombs. Realizing I had nearly all the necessary materials at my disposal, I was inspired to undertake the project in my primary classroom. The construction began with sturdy cardboard boxes (the kind used for refrigerators) and duct tape, followed by an overlay of crinkled craft paper secured with clear packing tape. I then embellished it with flowers, greenery, and various tomb items, resulting in a creation that exceeded my expectations in both size and impact. The children in my primary class, as well as the wider ward community who I invited to view it post-service, were delighted by it. It’s set to serve four wards before its eventual disassembly. While I always aim to create memorable experiences for the primary children, this Easter project was truly exceptional, driven by a deep sense of inspiration to make this Easter unforgettable for them.

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