Podcast: Renowned forgiveness authority Loren L. Toussaint discusses the positive health outcomes associated with the act of forgiving | Church News

Podcast: Renowned forgiveness authority Loren L. Toussaint discusses the positive health outcomes associated with the act of forgiving | Church News

Forgiveness expert Loren L. Toussaint on the health benefits of forgiving

Luther College professor joins Church News podcast, shares benefits of answering President Russell M. Nelson’s call to forgive

Loren L. Toussaint, a professor of psychology at Luther College, joins the Church News podcast to talk about the health benefits and blessings of forgiveness.

President Russell M. Nelson has consistently emphasized the significance of forgiveness, urging members of the Church to resolve personal conflicts, release any lingering grudges, and extend forgiveness to those who may have wronged them.

President Nelson acknowledges that forgiving individuals who have disappointed, harmed, deceived, or slandered us is not a simple task. However, he stresses that harboring unforgiveness is detrimental to our well-being. Grudges act as a heavy burden, causing division through angry disputes and potentially tearing families apart. In alignment with the Savior’s guidance, President Nelson cites the scripture from Matthew 6:14: “If ye forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you.”

While forgiveness holds paramount spiritual importance, a growing body of research demonstrates its significant impact on mental and physical health. Loren L. Toussaint, a psychology professor at Luther College, chair of the Discover Forgiveness Advisory Council for the Templeton World Charity Foundation, and president of The Forgiveness Foundation, explores the advantages of forgiveness in this episode of the Church News podcast.


Episode 152 Preview: Dr. Loren L. Toussaint | The health benefits and blessings of forgiving

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