Martin Harris sold the farm. He let God prevail in His life.

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WEDNESDAY WONDER- “am I willing to let God prevail in my life?” Ponder this.
This pondering slotted in so nicely with my Come Follow Me study today that it made my heart happy. I was thinking about Martin’s wrestle in section 19. Martin was asked to sell part of his farm and use the money to pay for the publishing of the Book Of Mormon.
Martin loved his farm. But he also loved God and His work. That Abrahamic test I mentioned yesterday? The one that President Nelson said we would each experience? The one that Joseph Smith said would pull on our heartstrings? This was Martin’s.
The farm or the work? Which did He love more?
Martin sold the farm. He let God prevail in His life. This contributed so much to both God’s work in His church and God’s work in Martin’s soul.
It’s not hard to see myself in Martin. He was hesitant, anxious and simply wanted to hold on to a part of the world that he loved. But am I willing to follow through as he did? Am I willing to let God prevail in my life? Am I willing to ‘sell my farm’?
Unequivocally so.
Because God never short changes us, He turns our greatest sacrifices into our greatest investments and while I lose myself in His work, I find myself.
Because His work and His glory, is me.
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