The global premiere of Christmas with The Chosen: The Messengers

VIDEO: Christmas with The Chosen | #BingeJesus | #GetUsedToDifferent | #LightTheWorld

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LIVE tonight at 8:00 ET—The global premiere of Christmas with The Chosen: The Messengers. 

After 12 incredible days at the U.S. box office, the special is now free to everyone around the world.*

With people all over the world, you’ll sing along with (if you want, of course) a dozen amazing musicians performing old and new Christmas songs as well as our brand new episode portraying the journey to Bethlehem and the birth of Christ.

*Of course, there’s still an opportunity to see this on the big screen as a group in the U.S. Theaters have extended showings because of your incredible response.  All day, everyday through Christmas.




Our brand new Christmas Episode, The Messengers, was included in our big Christmas Special, of course, but now it’s available as a standalone exclusively in the app.
The story of the birth of Christ from the perspective of Mary & Joseph, along with a glimpse into 15 years after the death of Jesus, is an official Chosen episode. While the entire Christmas Special (with the musicians) is available in our “Extras,” we’ve placed the standalone episode at the top of our Season One watch page.

New Christmas Eve tradition, anyone?
The Chosen Team

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