How to memorize scriptures and hymns the easy way

This is something I learned from an Elder on my mission. Though, ironically, I didn’t try it till I’d been home for several years. Here’s how it’s done:

  1. Print the lyrics of a hymn (or a scripture you want to memorize). Make sure it’s small enough that it will fit in a sandwich baggie.
  2. Put it inside a sandwich baggie (with the opening on the bottom: because the seal is heavier, this keeps it from peeling off as easily).
  3. Try to get as much air out of it as possible (this step may be repeated once it gets some hot water on it).
  4. Get the baggie wet and stick it to the back of the shower wall.
  5. Start singing.

This is a simple way to invite the Spirit as you start your day. Plus, having a store of hymns in your memory has its own power:

“Sometimes you may have difficulty driving off the stage of your mind a certain evil thought. To drive it off, Elder Boyd K. Packer suggests that you sing an inspirational song of Zion or just think of its words” (Think on Christ).

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