How to answer tough questions about the Church

Why did Joseph Smith look into a hat to translate the Book of Mormon? What’s with that blood atonement thing? Why did your church not give blacks the priesthood for so long? Why did Joseph Smith have 43 wives? What’s up with that book Mormon Doctrine? Is it really “mormon doctrine”?

At one time or another, I’m sure many of us have been asked tough questions by our non-member friends about the Church. And I’m sure many times members don’t have the answers to these questions. As a consequence of the lack of answers, non-members go to the internet to find them on their own, only to find sites that give an anti-Mormon spin to these questions.

Thankfully, there are several Church friendly sites out there that can serve as resources to help give members and non-members answers to tough questions about the Church or the gospel. Here are a few of my favorites:

There’s a site out there called Ask Gramps. It’s done by a member who is an ex-mission president. People can submit any question relating to the gospel and Gramps will answer it. While he means well, I wouldn’t use it as your main resource to help answer tough questions. His answers are often pretty speculative and sometimes completely wrong. For example, when asked about Joseph Smith using seer stones in a hat as part of the translation of the Book of Mormon, Gramps denied it ever happened despite the fact that we have journal entries from those involved in the translation process that said that’s how Joseph Smith did it. Even Elder Nelson in a talk in the Ensign discusses that this was ONE (emphasis on one. The Urim and Thumim was used as well) that Joesph used to translate the plates. (If that seems odd to you, check out the resources above for some great explanation about the translation process).

Additionally, there are several books out there that do a great job in helping members out with those tough Church question. I’ll be posting on those later.

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