FREE DOWNLOADS: Helpful Guides for Upcoming Holidays | Ramadan | Easter | Passover

FREE DOWNLOADS: Helpful Guides for Upcoming Holidays | Ramadan | Easter | Passover

We LOVED this post from Multi-Faith Neighbors Network. The more we understand others’ beliefs, the more we can respect and rever what they hold sacred.

Take a look and download the guides!

MFNN believes that when Pastors, Imams, Rabbis, and other religious leaders come together to build relationships and learn from each other, they become models for their own faith communities. By way of example, they remove fear and increase understanding within their own faith communities.

One of the ways we like to encourage understanding is to provide resources that help people of faith understand the other’s faith better.

With Ramadan, Passover and Easter all happening around the same time, we have published these helpful guides for you to better understand the holidays and how to be a good neighbor during this time.

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