First Presidency Updates COVID-19 Guidelines 

Stake conferences (starting November 2020) and weekly worship (now) can resume in a variety of ways, as local circumstances allow
Mormon Newsroom

News Release

The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sent the following letter to leaders worldwide updating guidelines regarding COVID-19.

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

We are grateful that the Lord has heard the prayers of so many and provided the direction that has allowed us to navigate the global COVID-19 pandemic which, in some areas of the world, continues. As governments begin to modify the requirements for travel, masks, and other protective measures, we offer the following direction.

We are now encouraging Area Presidencies, in consultation with stake presidencies, to determine on a local basis whether masks should be worn or other precautions should be observed in the various Church meetings and activities. In doing so, local leaders should consider the guidance of local health and government officials and local customs and conditions.

For the time being, masks will still be required in temples, where so many who attend are part of an elderly, more vulnerable population and where our desire is to keep temples open and to have as many as possible participate.

We thank you for your faithfulness in heeding the counsel provided by Church leaders and pray the Lord’s continued blessings upon you.


Russell M. Nelson

Dallin H. Oaks

Henry B. Eyring

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