Enter the 2020 Art Contest by Book of Mormon Central for a chance to win $500 and get featured in the ScripturePlus app!

Book of Mormon Central Art Contest 2020


Calling all Latter-day Saint Artists! Enter the 2020 Art Contest by Book of Mormon Central for a chance to win $500 and get featured in the ScripturePlus app!


Enter the 2020 Art Contest by Book of Mormon Central for a chance to win $500 and get featured in the ScripturePlus app!

First Place: $500.
Second Place: $350.
Third Place: $200.
**Submission Deadline**
Sunday, May 31, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. bookofmormoncentral.org/events/art-contest-2020
**Contest Theme**
In our quest to cultivate artwork of the Book of Mormon’s rich narratives, we request that artists focus their artwork on themes and stories in the second half of the Book of Mormon (Alma 31-Moroni 10). This commission includes stories from Alma’s ministry, the “war chapters,” Christ’s ministry in the Americas, the Jaredite narratives, the final destruction of the Nephite civilization, and more. While not required, we would appreciate artists of all ages and skill levels to try their hand at depicting some aspect of these chapters. We hope that you can help us fill the entire Book of Mormon with beautiful images that illuminate the mind and spirit.
**Eligibility and General Rules** -This contest is open to anyone 12 years and up (Youth prizes are available).
-Media may include painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, mixed media, and more. This contest excludes poetry, artistic performance, and music.
-Multiple entries per artist are allowed, but each piece of art must be made in separate form submissions.
-Participants must submit a high-quality scan or photograph of their artwork for digital submission. 3- dimensional works of art (e.g. sculpture) should be submitted with multiple photographs from different angles.
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