Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures: Doctrine & Covenants 71-75

Come, Follow Me with Living Scriptures | Doctrine and Covenants Lesson 24: June 7–13 “That Which Cometh from Above Is Sacred” Doctrine and Covenants 63

He Who is Faithful

Doctrine & Covenants 71-75 | June 28- July 4

As the Church grew, so did the number of people who opposed it. But the Lord still wanted missionaries to share the gospel. In a revelation to Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon, the Lord promised that “no weapon formed against [them] shall prosper.” (D&C 71:9) The Lord would protect His Church and it would continue to grow. Because of the growth of the Church, bishops needed to be called. The first bishop called was Edward Partridge. In section 72, Newell K. Whitney is called to be a bishop. Bishops are called to help the Saints under their stewardship and to care for the poor and needy.

The missionaries, bishops, and the Saints were asked to be faithful. In section 75, the Lord reminds the Church to pray always so the Comforter (the Holy Ghost) can be with them. If they are faithful, they “shall overcome all things.” (D&C 75:16)


Read and Discuss


Doctrine and Covenants 75:16

“And he who is faithful shall overcome all things, and shall be lifted up at the last day.”

  • How does the Lord protect His Church?
  • What are some responsibilities of a bishop?
  • How can we be faithful?
  • Why is it important to pray always?


“I invite you to remember to be faithful, to turn your life to the Savior and build your foundation on Him. Remember to be prayerful in your journey and serve others along the way.” Elder José A. Teixeira

View past lessons & resources on our website.

More Resources


Pray Always

This activity teaches children how to prepare themselves to pray reverently.


Praying Arms Pretzels

These delicious pretzels are shaped like folded arms to remind us to pray always and be faithful.


I Will Be Valiant, Children’s Songbook page 162

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