Come Follow Me Quiz | 3 Nephi 8–11 | “Arise and Come Forth unto Me”

- How has Jesus Christ been a source of light in your life, especially during times of darkness?
- What does it mean to you to offer a broken heart and contrite spirit to the Savior?
- If you were among the people when Jesus appeared, how do you think you would have felt seeing Him for the first time?
- How do you recognize when God is speaking to you? What methods help you hear and understand His voice more clearly?
- In what ways do you feel Jesus Christ is eager to forgive you? Can you recall a time when you experienced His mercy?
- How can you apply the metaphor of the hen gathering her chicks to your relationship with Jesus Christ?
- What actions can you take to ensure that Jesus remains the light in your life, especially during difficult times?
- How do you interpret the invitation from Jesus to “come unto Him”? In what ways do you feel He is calling you to draw closer?
- Reflecting on the three days of darkness and the eventual return of light, how does this parallel moments of difficulty and relief in your own life?
- How does the idea of feeling the nail prints in Jesus’ hands and feet resonate with your desire to gain a personal witness of Him?