All six podcast episodes of The Priesthood Restored: A Joseph Smith Papers Podcast are now published!


All six podcast episodes of The Priesthood Restored: A Joseph Smith Papers Podcast are now published! I hope my Latter-day Saint friends, and anyone else interested in early Latter-day Saint history will listen. Follow the link HERE or find the podcast on the web or your favorite podcast platform.

This podcast was the result of hundreds of hours of work by a lot of different people. The production team of Benjamin Godfrey, Jenny Rollins Nelson, Matthew McBride, and Curt Dahl was essential, as was the work of Matthew Mangum at the Latter-day Saint Channel. Each of them made creating a narrative podcast amidst a pandemic possible. And the production process received tremendous support from the leadership of the Joseph Smith Papers Project and the Church History Department.

The podcast features smart commentary from many smart guests. They include Christopher Jones, Rachel Cope, Mark Lyman Staker, Sharalyn Howcroft, Michael Hubbard MacKay, Matt Godfrey, Paul Reeve, Lisa Olsen Tait, Robin Jensen, and Marcus Martins. And I was particularly thrilled to interview Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles about the role of this history in the lives and devotion of Latter-day Saints today.

I have been excited, nervous, anxious (and a mix of other emotions) to finally share this with the public after so many months of work. I hope you like it, and if you do, that you will recommend it to your friends. Happy listening!


All six podcast episodes of The Priesthood Restored: A Joseph Smith Papers Podcast are now published!




The Priesthood Restored: A Joseph Smith Papers Podcast

The Priesthood Restored: A Joseph Smith Papers Podcast is a six-part miniseries from the Joseph Smith Papers Project that explores the events and circumstances that played a role in the restoration of the priesthood. Series host Spencer W. McBride interviews historians, researchers, General Authorities, and others in a documentary-style podcast about this defining topic in Latter-day Saint history.

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The Priesthood Restored podcast is produced in cooperation with the Latter-day Saint Channel.

Host: Spencer McBride

Audio Engineer: Curt Dahl

Executive Producer: Ben Ellis Godfrey

Producer: Jenny Rollins

Research Assistant: Nathan Jones

Production Coordinators: Ammon Collingwood, Matthew Mangum, Kamille Bone

Cover Art: “Susquehanna River” by Francis R. Magleby (Church History Museum, Salt Lake City).

Editors: Britta Adams, Mckinsey Kemeny

Web Team: Christopher Clark, Jim McKenna, Michael Smith, Lonnie McGill, Jeffrey McFarlane, Matt Carson, Kyler Rosquist, Steve Hales, Dave Totten, Ben Cassani, Jon Thorup, Jason Mortensen

Social Media: Madison Parks


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