5 Ways PreparetoServe.com Makes Mission Prep Easier

Guest post by Alex Balinski

When I received my mission call to Argentina in 2008, I wish there had been a resource like PreparetoServe.com. When I received my call, I was ecstatic to watch anything about Argentina. Unfortunately back then there were only one or two documentaries about Argentina we could find at the library.

Now, with the explosion of Youtube, I no longer have difficulty finding videos about Argentina—I just have the difficulty of sifting through all the videos out there to find informative videos I actually want to watch. Often the videos I do find on YouTube include inappropriate content. These are the reasons we decided to create PreparetoServe.com.

Here are five ways I think Prepare to Serve will make your mission preparation easier:

  1. Watch 100s of mission prep videos relevant to each country/state, all in one place (for example preparetoserve.com/mexico)
  2. You won’t have to see inappropriate YouTube thumbnails since all the videos on Prepare to Serve are handpicked and embedded on the website in YouTube playlists.
  3. Interview a returned missionary or convert from your mission, by interactively clicking on questions and seeing immediate video responses.
  4. A single place to go to to find missionary blogs indexed by mission. (see preparetoserve.com/blog/lds-missionary-websites).
  5. Access thousands of hours of clean travel and mission prep videos screened by returned missionaries. The YouTube videos are screened not only for quality and relevance, but also appropriateness (videos with immodesty, strong language, or inappropriate music are screened out).

If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to comment below or email me at alexbalinski@gmail.com

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