Three of the best known and most loved of Jesus’s parables occur together in the fifteenth chapter of Luke as a response to the Pharisees’ disapproval of Jesus’s association with sinners: the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin (also known as the lost drachma or lost groat), and the lost (or prodigal) son. In the teaching and preaching traditions of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, these parables (especially the first two) have primarily been interpreted as a call for missionary work, particularly reactivation. But these parables have also been richly interpreted in moral and allegorical ways that strengthen the parables’ messages.
Does your life sometimes remind you of Bill Murray in Groundhog Day? Patrick Moran can relate. Read “Wandering On to Glory,” a personal essay about the journeys we take in life, which are sometimes interesting and adventurous, and other times mundane and repetitive.
Abraham the Patriarch was blessed with divine promises for himself and all people. The resources listed for study of Abraham 1-2 look at the Abrahamic covenant, the life of Abraham, and the history of the Egyptian artifacts studied by Joseph Smith.
Our friends at the BYU Religious Studies Center have announced a conference: “Latter-day Saints and Religious Liberty,” on March 10-11, 2022. Register to attend in person or watch the event online.
On February 3, 2008, Thomas S. Monson began his service as President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He also had a lifelong love of fishing. In “Rod Tip Up!” his son Clark Monson shares memories of fishing together on the Provo River. Read or listen to Clark share these stories here.
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More at John Dye: Okay, we’re here with Yongsung Kim. Austen: Yes. Yongsung: Yes. John Dye: Yongsung, say hello. Yongsung: Hi. John Dye: And we’re here with Austen,…
Shaun McBride turned his innovative Snapchat drawings into internet celebrity. How did his fame catapult so quickly, and is he ready to take his creative energy to real world brick and mortar?
BYU Studies Quarterly The Restored Gospel and Good Government The most recent issue of BYU Studies Quarterly explores principles that create good government from a Latter-day Saint perspective. The deep scholarship, ardent…