Who is JESUS CHRIST to Mormons? – powered by Happy Scribe
Alright guys, let’s talk about Jesus. Who does the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints believe Christ is? Is the church of Jesus Christ. A Christian church. Was Christ really a handsome white guy like he is in all the pictures?
For answers to this and more, stay tuned.
So who is Jesus Christ? We believe he’s our savior. He suffered and died in payment for our sins. He was born to marry in Bethlehem and died on the cross at Calvary. He lived a perfect sinless life.
He taught the people through parables. He cleansed the temple at Jerusalem. He was baptized in the Jordan River. He healed the sick, ate with sinners, performed miracles. He was executed on the cross.
But after three days, he took his life back and was resurrected together with God the Father and the Holy Ghost. Jesus Christ is God. Now, some people believe that Latterday Saints do not qualify as a Christian faith because our beliefs are so different from mainstream Christianity. Whether or not we qualify as Christians is frankly, subjective, based on what your definition of a true Christ is. If your definition of a Christian is someone who believes Christ is their savior and tries to follow his teachings, then yes, I’d say we’re undeniably Christian.
But if your definition of a Christian is someone who accepts the post New Testament creeds and rejects the possibility of extra Biblical Scripture, then no, we wouldn’t be Christian. Some critics treat Latterday Saints as if we’re a friendless outcast desperately trying to be cool enough to get into that Christian club. But the truth is that when people ask us what we believe in, we just want there to be absolutely no mistake. We talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ. We prophesy of Christ that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins.
Now, some people also assert that the Christ we believe in is not the same as the Christ they believe in, and therefore we worship a different Jesus altogether than the rest of Christianity. Again, this is an understandable conclusion to come to. We believe Jesus Christ is a separate being from God the Father creedal. Christians believe the Father and the Son are the same being manifested as two persons. We also believe that after Christ’s death, he taught and ministered to the people in the Americas as per the Book of Mormon.
Pretty much no one else but us believes Christ did that. So if you want to believe we’re talking about a different Jesus than everyone else, that’s fine. In my mind, it’s sort of like two acquaintances getting together and realizing they simply have different experiences with the same mutual friend. But the point is, Latterday Saints believed that there was a real person named Jesus Christ who lived a perfect life and suffered for your sins so that you might be cleansed of them and returned to the presence of God. Only through Christ can we be saved from the consequences of sin and death.
That’s who Christ is to us, literally. All other things we believe, as Joseph Smith put it, are only appendages to these doctrines. We believe that Christ is eternal under the direction of God the Father. Jesus Christ was the creator of the heavens, the earth, the universe, all that good stuff. Before Christ’s mortal birth.
He was the God of the Old Testament known as Jehovah. We believe he lived on Earth during New Testament times, and we believe he’ll come again sometime in the future. Right now, Christ is a resurrected, divine, glorified, perfected being with a body of flesh and bone. If you have any more questions about our belief in Jesus Christ, feel free to leave a comment. Check out the link below.
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