How I #HearHim​: President Dallin H. Oaks

VIDEO: How I #HearHim​: President Dallin H. Oaks

How do you #HearHim​? President Dallin H. Oaks says that the Lord can bless us and bless others if we #HearHim​.
The Lord was concerned for ONE youth in the stake, and inspired President Oaks to deliver a message to him. Truly an instance of leaving the 90 and 9 and helping the one.


I love how he said both you AND someone else will be blessed if you hear Him. I pray that we are all able to recognize and act on the promptings we receive so that we can bless those around us while we draw ourselves closer to our Heavenly Father.


Years ago, I was asked to speak in Sacrament meeting for Father’s day. I don’t have a good relationship with my father, I never felt so inadequate to speak on a topic. I cried about it for days before that Sunday. On the day of the meeting, I felt a really strong impression to talk about the role of fathers in the home and how much the family suffers when dad is not present. I spoke in general terms as to not overshare my family’s business to everyone. I testified of the proclamation of the family, and what an inspired document it is. I talked about how most social problems would go away if people would abide by its principals. I remember being carried away by the Spirit as I spoke, the words were just pouring out of my mouth. The steak president was present at that meeting, he came up to me afterwards and thanked me for saying those words. He said he felt for a while the ward needed to be reminded of the things I talked about, having the words coming from a sister was even more impactful. I started crying right there, to my embarrassment. He took me to the Bishop’s office and I poured my heart out to him. Poor Steak President lol. He was really sweet and understanding though. Thank you Pres. Oaks for your words of encouragement and your testimony. We love you, pray for you, and sustain you.

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I started praying to know how I hear the Spirit. One day I had an impression, before leaving the house, to put extra clothes in the diaper bag for the baby. I thought it was silly because I already had clothes in the diaper bag, and thought it was my own thoughts. As we were out that day the baby had a blowout diaper, and the clothes I had packed where the wrong size. It was a lesson to me about how I Hear Him, and to always listen and act, no matter how small and silly I think it may be.


The Lord wants Us to say the Truth and denounce the injustices 👍🏻✝️


I remember in my home case of emergency,when the teacher or the speaker in Sunday’s school could not attend i am the one who call for a rescue..and sometimes i don’t know of what i can talk or how can i prepare but i always trust in Gods spirit to directly tell me or teach me of what i can say or what i can teach… then i don’t know how can i start but as my mouth start to say a word, the word continue to comes in my mind that sometimes when i finish my talk or my teaching.. i try to remember what i talk or what i teach.. yes i remeber it but i cannot remember of whence part of my talk or teaching i use that words.. but what i know is that even me in my hearth i learn from my own teaching and in my own speach.. and that things i testify the the scripture says don’t worry of what you would teach or what you would say, and that is true because God will put His words it in our hearts and in our mind..and that’s the spirit of God.. that’s why i know truly that God do His work in our church the Church of Jesus Christ at the Latter Day Saints..

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Heavenly Father loves Us and wants Us to be Patriotic and Truthful and stand for what’s Right 👍🏻✝️


I felt the Holy Spirit testifiying to me that the way President Dallin H. Oaks hears The Lord Jesus Christ is true. Thank you so much for nurishing our faith by making these videos.


So, when I was a new missionary in the Tucson East Stake, I learned that Pres. Oaks was called to the Quorum of Twelve Apostles at a restaurant near the first chapel I attended: the Tucson East Stake Center. It was Little Anthony’s Diner on Broadway. The following morning, he was to address law students at the University of Arizona. He received a call from Gordon B. Hinckley in Salt Lake City calling him to the Twelve. I have revered him for years!


Reading your abbreviated captions while Oaks is talking is incredibly distracting. It’s certainly a first in the history of videos. Perhaps there is a reason why that is. 🙂 It would makes sense to NOT abbreviate his sentence. If you want to highlight what he says, then highlight it word for word.


Oh my goodness! I love this! Thank you President Oaks for this reminder to act upping our impressions! ❤️


Grateful for the Gospel, grateful for Dallin H. Oaks! Ever since I joined the Church… it was his messages that stayed with me the most. Such an admirable, righteous and courageous man.


I actually love following unusual out-of-the-ordinary impressions. Especially as a missionary. 😁


I truly believe that we can be guided in miraculous ways as we strive to keep the Lord’s voice and spirit in our daily personal lives. Thanks for sharing this example of how we can participate in such miracles as we intentionally #HearHim!


I’m so bad at following impressions because I’ve had bad experiences following those impressions but I know I need to follow the impressions I get regardless


The Truth will set you free👍🏻✝️


These moments of following prompting are so amazing, unusual, and beautiful. I know I have followed a prompting when I have said things to people that I can hardly remember after what I said.


I love to see him smile, so often Elder Oaks seems so serious when he speaks.


Thank you, Elder Oaks for this inspiring message. Glory to God on High. 😇🤗💕


“ Thank ‘you’ President Dallin H. Oaks “ “ Your’s Gratefully Lovingly Always “ Neal Patrick Fry from Livonia, Michigan.


It’s a big help for me to hear the voice of this man of God the topic is a big help to strengthen my spiritual strengthen my faith especially this time


My sister had me stealing so she could send her boy friend care packages in Vietnam, I couldn’t get out of it myself but one day the lord told me that if I walked out of the store right then I would be caught. I said thank you and walked out of the store and that ended a bad friendship and the need to steal for my older sister. I was ever and always grateful to the lord and holy ghost corn the help.


Thank you President Oaks, i will use this to help explain what we believe.


It’s always a comfort to hear from you President Oaks. Your voice is a voice of reason, and I know I can always trust you.


Gratitude for your words, president Oaks!


Thank you President Dallin H. Oaks inspired words latter days in living their all.


I love his style of directly getting to his message’s point.


The new book about his life is amazing and truly inspiring! What a great man and leader!


Interesting,I like this channel.


Thank you so much. I’ve had this happen to me before. Talking to my dad while he was drunk last year. The words that were put into me by the spirit helped my dad put away drinking and move forward with his life even when things were not great.


Love you President Oaks!


Thank you, Pres. Oaks. This is very true and I too have a testimony of this principle. Important for me to acknowledge at this time is the blessing to be re-assured or re-inforced again although I have my firm testimony of it.


Thank you for the great counsel! Never suppress a generous thought. Often these impressions come to me by thinking of someone’s name. So grateful to be guided by the Holy Spirit.


This came at just the right time. Thank you President Oaks, I have had an impression to sort out a situation with true love and will do so 👍🏼


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