VIDEO: #ComeFollowMe with Living Scriptures: 3 Nephi 12-16 | Come Follow Me

VIDEO: #ComeFollowMe with Living Scriptures: 3 Nephi 12-16 | Come Follow Me


Come Unto Christ

3 Nephi 12-16 | Sept 21-27

When Jesus visited the people in the Americas, he organized His church, calling apostles to teach the people. Jesus then taught the people gathered at the temple many of the same things he taught the people at the mount in Galilee. Jesus taught about baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost. He taught us to be meek, merciful, and pure. He taught us to let our light shine and be the” salt of the earth”, helping other people along our way. He taught that while the law of Moses gave us outward laws based on actions, His higher law encourages us to change our hearts and love others, including our enemies. As we try to live the gospel, it’s important that we refrain from judging others. Jesus repeatedly invites us to come unto Him, look unto Him, and endure to the end. If we do these things, He will give us eternal life.


Read and Discuss


3 Nephi 12:20

“Therefore come unto me and be ye saved; for verily I say unto you, that except ye shall keep my commandments, which I have commanded you at this time, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.”

  • How can we come unto Christ?
  • Why is it important to change our hearts and not just our actions?
  • How can we show love to everyone, including our enemies?
  • How can we let our light shine?
  • Why is it important to refrain from judging others?


“The call to come unto him has continued throughout time and is being renewed in our day. Modern scriptures are replete with the same invitation. It is an urgent, pleading call to everyone. Indeed, the calm but urgent appeal is still from the Son of God himself. He is, in fact, the Anointed One who will lift the greatest of burdens from the most heavily laden. The conditions for obtaining that assistance are still precisely the same. We must come unto him and take his yoke upon us. In meekness and lowliness, we must learn of him in order to receive eternal life and exaltation.” Howard W. Hunter

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More Resources


The Mote & The Beam

Use this object lesson about the mote & the beam to reinforce the lesson Jesus taught about not judging others.


Salty Pita Chips

Discuss how your family can be “the salt of the earth” as you eat these crispy, salty, homemade pita chips. Serve with your favorite sweet or savory dip!


Tell Me the Stories of Jesus Children’s Songbook page 57

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