Come Follow Me (Insights into Helaman 7–12, August 24–30)The Pride Cycle Taylor Tyler Book of Mormon Central


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Thank you for another inspiring lesson. It seems clear that if people just acknowledge that they have sinned and turned away from God, but do not do the work of repenting, then they go right back to pride.



A good lesson and how we are living in corruption. We are so blessed to have a prophet to give us instruction with love from our Savior.



Love always connecting to you guys each week I learn so much and thank you for sharing your testimonies and knowledge.



What a blessing to have the prosperity of the Lord in our lives! The Book of Mormon is pure gold!



What a wonderful inspiration your teachings are for me!! Thank you so much for your deep researches!! Please, will you teach “Come follow me New Testament Insights” next year? From a french grand-ma, one of your “fans” !! ?



Thank you for these powerful, well prepared gifts of insight. Very much appreciated!



Thank you ..I miss watching your videos..God bless for both of you ?



Taylor – Look at Helaman 8:23 and try putting the second clause into Hebrew. If Yeshua = God with us, then Helaman 8:23 is “And behod, he is Yeshua, and he did manifest himself…”



Dear Tyler and Taylor, I’m wondering: who is standing today on Nephi’s tower? Thank you also for sharing your life experiences. Money can’t buy love and truth.



Thank you brother Griffin and Halverson. We love you!! How I’ve missed Education Week this year and the strength that comes from it. Be well and thank you for your faithful encouragement!!



God is not against wealth, how else do you think the Church is built. Lot’s of tithing paid is good.



Thank you, so much! These chapters are more timely than ever before! It’s just amazing to me how powerful the messages in the Book of Mormon are …..we see these same things happening in our lives right now! I must admit, I never really understood why all the War Chapters were included, thinking they were repetitive and bloody, but now I see!



Tyler and Taylor, the Book of Mormon, and YOUR words make so much sense, I find myself, once again on a mission, as it were, to make people aware of your weekly lessons, and I tell all that will listen and hear, that as much as we know about humility and repentance, the B.O.M. has messages we constantly must revisit and RELEARN!!!! thank you and may GOD bless you both.

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I look forward to these videos every week! Thank you both for doing this. Also, I recently saw a video presentation with different evidence for the lands of the Nephites and Lamanites being in the Great Lakes area. What do you guys think about that?



Boy, can we see today’s atmosphere in these situations in the Book of Mormon! It is really hard to know what is true and what is not in our cultural and political situations today. You hear so many sides of an issue and try to figure out what is true and what is not. In the final analysis, I don’t think we CAN know the truth of a lot of what is going on in our country and the world today.

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I always listen to your podcast on Mondays, because it helps me to understand the content of what we will be studying for the next week. Thank you for your words of wisdom and your great insight into the Scriptures.



Money, the internet, etc. are neutral. However, how we utilize these tools and the way we align ourselves with these tools is key. If they become our God (s), and we lust after money for the purpose of bringing power or status, then surely it can be a catalyst in keeping us further from Deity. Yet, the ROOT within our inner landscape is not having an eye single to the glory of God—essentially, misalignment in our spiritual focus—NOT the money itself (or neutral tools).

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Thank you so much for these lessons. I see it more clearly each day how the times we are living in follows these stories from a time long ago. These scriptures have been preserved for the people of this day.



Thank you for one more lesson. I´ve watched and taken notes and I do that on Sunday afternoon so it helps my Sunday to be a delight.



Love this time with the two of you Great lesson.



Thank you ☺️



Thank you Dynamic Duo for an engaging Podcast on Helaman 7-12. I was wondering if I’m the only one getting more and more dizzy take numerous spins around the Pride Cycle !! Yes, 3x in 13 years will do that to you but sadly the Nephite Nation couldn’t find their way out of the Cycle. There are many GREAT lessons for us today with our Societal Issues unable to discern between Wants vs. Needs. The Vain things of the world are so TRANSITORY, here today and gone tomorrow. However, Nephi made an attempt causing a Famine, “A hungry stomach has a way of Loosening up a Stiff Neck” Unfortunately, the Nephites “went their own way” (Hel 10:1) even AFTER such great signs. Question, are we today going our own way divided and contentious as we approach Nov 3rd. If you are not ONE you are not mine !! Finally, what side of the Pride Cycle are we on as a Nation and as Individuals? WILL we learn from history or be doomed to repeat it as the Nephites or old? Shall we not move forward and follow Nephi in his Unweariness (Helaman 10) and remember D&C 64:33 !!

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You both are truly amazing teachers, I feel the spirit so much and learn so so much my testimony grows more and more every day, and love for the the book of Mormon and the truthfulness of the Lord’s church . I cannot express enough my gratefulness for taking your time to put these videos on you tube. Thank you again .



Thanks, guys. Last week’s lesson on Helaman 1-6 and this week’s lesson were superb. Especially appreciate these lessons since Sunday School isn’t currently (8/23/20) part of the church-attending experience.



Thank you for saying the Lord loves us, I’m single and need to hear that? Thank you for your pride cycle chart on 5he white board! It made the timing soooooo clear! Wow, did it hit me hard how short of time it took to get back into wickedness! Thank you !



We would like to know if you will be leaving these videos up for the Book of Mormon after the new year when we start the Doctrine and Covenants?



Brother Halverson, thank you sharing your story and your struggles during school…. It bought some back memories for me… And how the lord directs us to where we need to be.. It was Wonderful and god bless you and your family



Thank you! Depressed but have faith and turn to God we can overcome all things??



Thanks for another wonderful lesson ??



Thank you so very much for both of you for each week lessons it nourish our souls with the words of our Lord Jesus Christ.. Humility brings us back to Heavenly Father through Christ and prosperity which means for me eternal life . Pride brings destructions and damnation to souls men .



Hi T&T Love your teachings. I have a question regarding the Abrahamic Covenant and prosperity meaning to have God’s presence with you always. I loved this because it explained why we have poor righteous members /Saints. However why do the prophets like King Benjamin and other prophets add “….and you will prosper in the land” Mos 2:22 and “…both temporal and spiritual” Mos 2:41. Then the pride cycle keeps occurring in the BOM in which it seems to negate the prosperity is about having the Lord with you always putting the emphasis back to temporal and monetary blessings instead. I appreciate your help to clarify this for me.

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I can see pride in others, not so much in myself, I have to work so hard at seeing my sins! Why is that, so stupid. Thank you for teaching about Christ



I love your lessons especially this one. the Book of Mormon truly is a handbook for our lives. I appreciate your testimonies at the end of the lessons. Thank you so much for all the good you are doing to help others to understand the teachings of the book of Mormon..



Thank you again for these wonderful lessons



Taylor, nice ‘Summer’ haircut!! Great lesson and insight, as usual.



Thank you so much !!!!! I have a word I say to keep me on t rack SELAH . I am sure you both already know what it means .Have a great week.



Another wonderful lesson! Watching your videos has really helped me understand things a lot better!! I have been passing your channel on to others as they need it as well. Love both of you!



thanks for this lesson..wonderful topic today



Thank you so much, again. Wonderful lessons.



Another very uplifting lesson fitting for our day and situation. Thanks a lot Tyler and Taylor!!! Have shared them already to friends and families from across the globe. I think they too are looking forward every week.



I can’t Express with words the gratitude I have for Tyler and Taylor and their great service and work. Thank you for your lessons. I look forward to them every week!



What a great lesson. Tyler, Taylor… I was surprised that you did not close with your normal closure. “I leave this with you in the name of Jesus Christ… Amen”. I always look forward to the closing. It gives me a wonderful spiritual uplift. I did do the closing at my end though. With blessing to both of you and your families. Cheers.



Your point in changing laws vs changing their hearts sure seems…timely. A good thought for all of us to self reflect.


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